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“Or up yours,” he murmured. “So we have an agreement?”

She was agreeing to allow her daughter to be taken from her. To place her under the protection of strangers. To trust men and women she didn’t know. But, she also knew the hell those men and women had lived. They had been hunted, betrayed. They would care for Cassie, protect her with their lives, just as they had each other. But her baby would be without her. For a while.

She drew in a deep breath and swallowed tightly. “Agreed.”

Oh Lord. If his eyes could have gotten hotter, they just did. The golden-brown was nearly amber now, glittering with lust. His nostrils flared, his expression becoming heavy with sensuality.

“Do you know I can smell your arousal?” he asked her softly. “I know when your sweet heat is flowing for me, Elizabeth. When your pretty pussy is coated with that slick dew, preparing for me. Like it is now. It turns you on to think about fighting me, doesn’t it? Makes you wet and hot to imagine pitting your mind against my strength. Just like it makes me hard. So hard walking could become a problem.”

Her face flamed with mortification, because she was wet now and only growing wetter by the second. She should be thinking about Cassie. Thinking about the separation, but all she could think about was Dash and the hunger building between them both.

Her gaze flickered to his jeans, then quickly back to his face. That zipper was going to burst soon.

And he was right. It did turn her on. He intended to take her, to make her submit. She could see it in his expression, hear it in his voice. She had never submitted to anyone. She didn’t intend to start with Dash.

Elizabeth licked her lips, relieving the painful dryness, then swallowing tightly as he followed the movement.

“Go to Cassie,” he finally growled. “Get away from me before I take you now. Kane and his brothers, as well as several of the main Feline Pride, will be here tonight. Get ready, Elizabeth, because when they leave, you’ll see what it means to be my woman.”

She backed up slowly. She wasn’t running, she assured herself, she was exercising extreme caution instead. He wasn’t joking. He was ready to take her, here and now, and she didn’t know if she could honestly deny him right now.

Chapter Fifteen

The Feline Breeds were just as intense and gorgeous in real life as they had been on the television screen. They arrived after midnight in a large stealth helicopter, landing in the back pasture of Mike Toler’s ranch.

Kane Tyler and three of his brothers were there. Callan Lyons, Taber Williams, Tanner, Dawn and Sherra had accompanied them. Each was armed and looked just as dangerous as they had been trained to be. Elizabeth sat in the living room with Cassie, holding her against her chest, rocking her. Despite her dream of actually meeting the Felines, Cassie hadn’t taken the news of her separation from her mother very well.

She had cried for hours. It broke Elizabeth’s heart listening to her daughter sob and wail, begging her not to send her away. Elizabeth had cried with her. Emotionally, they were both wrecks by the time the large force entered the house.

Elizabeth could only stare at them in shock. They were as big and muscular as Dash, but their eyes were harder, their expressions carved in stone, until they caught sight of Cassie.

Elizabeth watched, amazed, as the two women turned away, their eyes shining with moisture. The three male Felines’ gazes darkened painfully.

“Callan?” Kane asked softly, as though for confirmation.

Callan stepped closer, his eyes so golden-brown they were amber, his long, tawny brown hair flowing around the harsh features of his face. As he stepped to the couch, Elizabeth was aware of Dash moving behind her protectively, possessively. The other Breed noticed the movement as well, if the amused quirk of his lips was any indication.

“Cassidy.” He sat on his haunches, staring at the little girl gently. “What a lovely little girl you are. I hear you might need our help for a bit of time.”

His voice was deep, sandpapery, but exquisitely gentle as he watched the little girl.

“I wanna stay with my momma,” Cassie hiccupped tearfully as Elizabeth fought the need to demand that her daughter be given exactly what she wanted.

Pain flashed in Callan’s eyes. They were amazingly expressive as they watched Cassie, showing his sympathy, his need to comfort her.

“You know Grange is a very bad man, Cassie,” Callan said softly. “I’ve been checking into him. You know he’ll hurt you and your momma if he can get hold of you.” He held his hand up as Elizabeth began to protest. “I won’t lie to you, Cassie. I won’t tell you any of this is going to be easy, for you or your momma. Facts are facts. Dash and your momma can’t deal with Grange if you aren’t hidden first. If they try, something could happen, and Grange could end up hurting you all.”

Cassie trembled. “But the fairy can’t help momma if I’m gone,” she protested tearfully.

Callan never looked away from the little girl. “But Dash can, Cassie. He and your momma can move faster and trick Grange easier if they know you’re hidden and protected. And you’ll both be hidden and protected at my home. I promise you this.”

“I want my momma,” Cassie whimpered, her arms tightening around Elizabeth’s waist. “I’m staying with my momma.”

“Callan.” The woman that moved behind him was much smaller than the others. Her soft golden-brown hair and eyes were immeasurably gentle. Dawn was a Cougar Breed and Elizabeth could clearly see the influence of the animal’s DNA in her. Her high cheekbones, slanted golden eyes and finely arched brows gave her a very feline appearance.

Cassie seemed to jerk in surprise when the woman approached her. She leaned forward, then back, then stared up at Elizabeth with rounded eyes.

Cassie cupped her fingers over her mouth and whispered up to Elizabeth. “She has a fairy, Momma. Right beside her. Just like mine.”

Tags: Lora Leigh Breeds Paranormal