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Ethan held himself over her with his hands just above her shoulders. He dropped his head a bit and kissed the outside of her neck. The movements of his hips were slow at first but quickly sped up.

Laura wrapped her legs around his waist and began pulling him deeper into her with each thrust. The two were entwined in an intimate dance, while that romantic fire crackled nearby.

Laura let out a moan of pleasure while she dug her fingernails into his back. He let out an animal-sounding growl that heated her to the core. She was the source of his lust, and she knew it.

Because of the heat of the fire, and the of the moment, it wasn't long before both of them were coated with a light layer of sweat. It made their skin slick. Laura's hands continued to find their way around Ethan's back, occasionally dropping down his arms so that she could admire the way his muscles flexed as he held himself over her.

Ethan lifted his eyes to meet hers. She lost herself to the pale green of his soul and forgot to breathe. He slowed his pace down, all the way to a stop. Then, in one movement, he brought his hands to her hips and rolled over onto his back, making it so that Laura was now on top of him.

She straddled his lap and brought her hands to his chest, using it to hold herself up. Then she began to ride him. The look on Ethan's face was priceless as she took his complete length. He just kept moving his eyes up and down her body, and it was clear that he was shocked by her beauty.

Ethan's hand went to the top of her thighs, then drifted up past her belly button, finally landing on her breasts. He fondled them, letting her nipples slide between his fingertips. He stayed there for just a moment, then continued the journey upward until his hands were on top of her shoulders. With that, he pulled her down toward him and began kissing her.

The two moaned out, their lips and tongues intertwined, while Laura continued to drop her weight over his lap. It wasn't long before she felt herself rise to a climax. She rode the waves of ecstasy all the way to the top. It was the sound of him that did her in. It was his gasp and primal groan as he lost himself to her that tipped her over the edge. Her entire world dissolved into nothing but bliss. When it was over, she opened her eyes and took a shaky breath.

“How do you do that to me?” she whispered, still in a daze.

“You do the same to me,” he said.

The two cuddled up next to the fire. Ethan put his arm around Laura while they both lay on the rug and watched the flames flick up against the brick chimney. It was so peaceful and serene, just laying there with him. Everything was perfect. The aching desire between her thighs had turned into a tingling contentedness.

She smiled as she squirmed against him, cuddling as close as possible. “I can honestly say, this was the best evening I've ever had. Every part of it. You seriously made my night. I don't know if I've ever been this happy.”

Ethan kissed the top of her shoulder. “Me either, Laura. This is just so perfect.”

Between the warmth of the fire and the feeling of safety with Ethan's arms around her, Laura faded off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Chapter 22


Laura woke up to the morning sun shining in through the window of the cabin. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the room. It was the first time seeing it in the daylight. The fire had gone out, but it was still smoldering and putting out enough warmth to take the chill out of the air.

Well, I'm awake and last night was most definitely not just a dream, she thought. That makes me happier than I've been in a long time.

Ethan's arm was wrapped around her. She felt as he pulled her close him so that her back pressed against his chest. Then he kissed the top of her shoulder, sending a tingle through her.

“You awake?” he whispered.

Laura nodded. “Yeah, just woke up actually.”

“What time is it?

” he asked.

“No clue,” she said. “I guess around eight.”

“We should just lay here all day,” he said, chuckling.

“God, I wish that I could.” Laura sighed and pressed her back against him, snuggling as close as possible. “I've got to get back to the kids, though. I told Elena that I wouldn't be out late, and here it is, already the next day.”

Ethan lifted his head up a bit. He brought his hand to her shoulder and began tracing patterns with his fingertips. His touch felt nice, and Laura closed her eyes for a moment, just trying to enjoy it.

“I had such a great time with you last night,” Ethan said. “Best date of my life.”

“Mine too,” she said, gazing toward the window on the opposite side of the room from them. “You surprised me with so many good things.”

It was right then that Laura remembered the trip to the Caribbean that he had surprised her with. At first, she'd been excited about it. She'd agreed to go, and everything about it sounded spectacular. Now, though, something in her gut made the idea of getting on a plane and heading thousands of miles away from home made her more anxious than anything else.

Tags: Krista Lakes Kinds of Love Billionaire Romance