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The kiss started out beautiful and slow, with Ethan teasing his lips against hers. It was a perfect and meticulous dance. Laura would pull away just a bit, causing Ethan to lean into her. Then the roles would reverse, and he'd do the same to her. Soon, their tongues were darting in and out of each other's mouths, twisting and wrestling while their hands drifted all over one another.

Laura couldn't get enough of him. Now that the ice had been broken, she wanted to dive in head first. Whatever had made them want each other a year and a half before was there again, and back in full.

She kept her lips against his and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Then she slowly pulled herself on top of him so that she straddled over his lap. Ethan let out a sexual growl but didn't break the kiss. She could feel the vibration of the noise as it made its way from his throat, all the way to her lips.

Their kissing quickly became more aggressive as they lowered their walls and allowed themselves to express how badly they wanted each other. Laura felt one of Ethan's hands slide up her back, all the way to her neck. He slipped his fingers into her hair and gently squeezed his hand into a fist. The movement pulled her hair, just enough to create some tension against her scalp, but not enough to actually hurt.

With one hand in her hair, Ethan brought his other one to her lower back. His fingers found the place between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her jeans. He touched her bare skin, and it caused her to moan softly. She wanted his touch, not just there, but everywhere.

Ethan slowly pulled his face away. He was still gripping her hair as he gazed into her eyes. His pupils dilated, growing big in the pale green. He was breathing a bit harder, too, making it clear that he wanted this just as badly as she did.

“My God, you're gorgeous,” he said, his eyes moving slowly up and down Laura's front. “Something about you. I don't know exactly what it is, but this is how I remember feeling when I first saw you at that party all those months ago. You just do it for me. Why did we wait this long?”

Laura shrugged. “Let's not worry about any of that. The past is the past. We're here now, though. Why don't we savor this moment before it slips away?”

Ethan nodded. “You're right. You're absolutely right.”

Then he leaned forward again. Laura thought he was going to kiss her lips, but instead, he breezed past her face and began kissing the side of her neck. Her jaw dropped, and her lips curled into a lust-filled grin.

Ethan kissed her neck, just below her earlobe. He gently nibbled at the flesh, before inching his way down just a tiny bit at a time. He kissed and nibbled with every stop and each time another wave of anticipation filled Laura. She was boiling over now, ready to explode. She knew that she'd only be able to hold off for so long before she'd need to have him inside of her.

Ethan gently pulled down on Laura's hair, causing her chin to lift. It forced to her look up toward the ceiling, while he gently kissed the front of her throat.

“Yes,” she whispered, on an exhale. “Oh, Ethan.”

He didn't hear, or at least, she didn't think so. He was too busy nipping at her neck and quickly moving down toward her cleavage. When he got there, he released her hair and brought her gaze forward once again. The way she was situated on top of his lap, put his face at the same height as her breasts. She bit her lip and watched as he kissed his way down toward them.

Ethan quickly undid the top couple of buttons and then growled as he pressed his face into her chest once again. The upper part of Laura's shirt was now splayed open, exposing everything on her breasts that her bra wasn't covering. With her hands still resting on top of Ethan's shoulders, she pulled herself close to him, pressing her chest against his face. The stubble on his cheeks tickled her sensitive skin, but she hardly even noticed. She was already lost in oblivion, overwhelmed by pleasure and anticipation.

In the very back of her mind, there was a tiny part of her that worried this would end just like it had the last time. That they'd have sex and then never speak again. It was certainly a possibility. It had happened once, so it could easily happen again. She pushed the thought away and decided to take her own advice and just enjoy the moment.

Ethan brought his hands around and fondled her breasts, gently squeezing them over the top of her bra. Laura let out a moan and leaned her head back, as his touch sent a wave of pleasure throughout her body.

She reached her hands behind her back. After pulling her shirt up a bit, she quickly undid the back clasp that held her bra together. As soon as she did, the front of her bra fell forward and slid down, just enough to expose her nipples.

Ethan groaned, and she felt him grow beneath her, hard and warm. She wanted this. She wanted this so badly she couldn't even come up with words.

Laura shimmied her shoulders until her shirt slid off of them. It now hung loosely at her elbows. The only thing that covered her front was her bra, but even that was just barely hanging on.

Why am I not nervous at all? she thought. Why does this feel so natural with Ethan? It's like we've done this a hundred times, but really, it's only been once. Is this what it's like to have a true connection with someone? Is it this easy?

Ethan slowly moved his gaze up to her eyes and then back down toward her chest. He brought his hands up and tugged downward on her bra, causing it to slip off her her shoulders. Her breasts became completely exposed. She glanced down, noticing as her nipples grew firm in an instant from the change in temperature.

His pupils dilated further, and he let out a moan of approval while leaning his face toward her once again. He kissed the top of her breasts, then made his way down until his lips grazed her right nipple. It sent an immediate tingle of sensation into her, causing her lips to part and her eyes to roll up into her head.

Ethan wrapped his lips over the sensitive nub and began flicking his tongue against it, slowly at first, and then faster with each passing second. Her head tipped back, and she reveled in the sensation. Ethan lapped his tongue against her nipple a few more times, then slowly pulled away.

Without any hesitation, Ethan moved his face to the other side and began giving her left breast equal attention. Laura found herself slowly bucking her hips forward and back on top of his lap. She barely realized she was even doing it. The friction caused waves of bliss to radiate through her. The movement felt amazing but did nothing to satisfy the aching desire between her legs. In fact, it only made it more intense.

Ethan darted his face and back forth between her breasts, lapping and gently biting at one nipple before doing the same to the other one. Laura was panting now and the spark that had ignited when they'd kissed just a moment before had become a raging Colorado wildfire.

“Take your shirt off,” she whispered.

She had meant it to be a suggestion, but the way it came out it sounded more like a demand. Ethan didn't seem to mind, though. He quickly undid the buttons on his shirt and pulled it off, tossing it carelessly to the side. It landed on top of a nearby hay bail.

Laura's eyes went wide as soon as she saw his bare torso. She remembered that he was in pretty good shape, but nothing like this. He looked like an Olympic swimmer, each muscle of his abs nicely defined beneath his powerful chest.

“You look amazing,” she said, dancing her fingers down his stomach.

Tags: Krista Lakes Kinds of Love Billionaire Romance