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Sam's face goes from panicked to a shit-eating grin. I can't believe he is smiling right now. “What are you smiling about this isn't funny Sam!” I end my rant by stomping my foot and putting my hands on my hips.

“You said you love me.”

Panic sets in. Too soon Kristy, too soon. “I did not. Only a complete psycho would say that, this early. I mean, I literally just let you in. Like really in.”

“No take backs baby, you said it, and you meant it.” He growls just before he wraps his arms around me bring me flat against his body and gives my bottom lip a little nip before fully kissing me. He makes me want to do naughty things. And naughty things get me spankings, so there is that. Pulling back from our kiss I look him in the eyes.

“Fine, you ass, I love you.”

“Good, because I fucking love you and nothing and no one will ever change that.”

“You promise?”

“Woman, you can ask me in a thousand different ways, but my answer will always be the same. You are stuck with me. I. Am. Never. Letting. You. Go.” He punctuates each word with a kiss.

I know that most of my fear comes from my mom leaving and that's why I haven't let anyone in. I want so badly to let go of the past and focus on my future, our future. I decide right then and there that I am going to work harder on not letting my past control me. Running my fingers through his beard, I lean up and kiss him softly on the lips. “My heart believes you, Sammy. It's my mind that is having a hard time. There's a lot that we don't know about each other. But I want to get to know you, and I want you to be able to get to know me.”

“I know baby and we well definitely get to know each other better. But first, let's get you showered and into some clothes and I will cook while we talk. I want to feed you and our baby. All I want to do is take care of you.”

“Goddammit Sammy if you make me cry one more time I am going to kick you in the shin. Stop saying such sweet things to me.” I whimper.

Growling he playfully smacks my ass. “Never. I will always tell you how special you are to me and you better believe I will treat you like the goddess you are. Now turn around so I can see that sexy ass of yours while I finish washing your hair.”

Giggling, I salute him “Aye aye captain,” before promptly turning around giving my ass a quick smack just to make sure he can see it jiggle. I may not have huge tits, but I must say my ass is fucking amazing. Growling he runs his thick, strong, callused fingers through my hair as he finishes rinsing it out. It feels so amazing that I moan out loud and press my ass against his hard cock.

He growls and pulls me back into his erection. I wriggle around until his teeth meet the sensitive curve of my neck. He has definitely found a sweet spot. He bites down, and I know he’s leaving a mark. I am thrilled at the idea of being marked by him. Owned by him. Being taken by this man is everything I didn’t know that I needed, until this morning.

“Don’t tempt me, woman. I want nothing more than to be inside you, but we’ll just have to wait until after I feed you.”

Pouting I stick my lip out “But there is something you can feed me right here.”

Groaning he kisses my head and lets me go. “I can’t trust myself with you. I said I was going to feed you and that's what I am going to do.” He says it more to himself then me like he was trying to convince himself. “I'm going to go get dinner started okay baby?” He is already halfway out of the shower before he gets the last word out.

While I am left to finish my shower, my mind starts to race. Did my whole life really change in the last twelve hours? I need to make a doctor’s appointment. I don’t even understand myself right now. Tears fill my eyes. Again. I’d hate for him to be acting so gung-ho over a false positive.

I quickly wash my body and step out of the shower. Since I don’t know where he put my stuff, I slip on his dark blue robe that is hanging on the back of the door. It smells like laundry soap and pine needles and the unique smell that is Sam. It soothes me instantly.

Taking a deep breath, I start to make my way out of the bathroom, so I can find my baby Daddy. Walking along the hallway, I can tell that even though the house is beautiful it looks a little bare, like it's just waiting for a woman's touch. I am just the woman for the job.

Walking the rest of the way down the hall, I turn to the left because I can hear my man whistling to himself. When I see him standing there in our kitchen, my breath catches at the sight of him. I can't help but stare at him. He really is a thing of male perfection. He is standing in front of the island, chopping vegetables. His back muscles are drool-worthy. They are the kind of muscles you get from working outdoors and doing manual labor, not like the muscles you get from the gym. Moving my eye lower I get a glimpse of his amazingly firm ass that's only covered in a pair of tight black boxer briefs. When he moves to grab something from the top cabinet I can’t hold back the appreciative noise that comes out of my mouth. His biceps are huge, and when they flex I imagine him doing wickedly dirty things to my body.

He immediately turns around, and I almost come at the sight of him. He’s got these crazy sexy washboard abs and a happy trail that leads down to that amazing v right before it disappears to what I know is the most amazing cock that I can’t seem to take my eyes off of.

Chapter Seven


Fuck my girl looks good in my clothes. If I had it my way, she would stay naked all day 24/7. She is currently standing in the doorway looking at my cock like it is a treat she can't wait to have a taste of. At her intense stare I can feel myself start to get hard like he has a mind of his own and knows that she is ours and that we should take her. The only thing holding me back is that I really do need to make sure that she is fed.

Clearing my throat “Baby you can have that later let's get some real food in you first okay? I'm going to need you to stop looking at me like I am a juicy steak you are just waiting to pounce on.”

She smiles and says, “Better than a steak baby.” I laugh out loud. She has a grin on her face. When she winks at me and starts making her way towards the chair that sits right next to the island. Laughing I walk over to where she is sitting and kiss her forehead before walking around the island towards the sink.

When I look over my shoulder, my breath catches. I'm looking at my future wife. She really is the most extraordinary woman I have ever met. She is the only woman I have ever wanted like this. The only woman I have ever been madly in love with. I can’t believe how lucky I am. Being able to have my woman and child here in our home fills me with unimaginable happiness. After months of patiently waiting for her to catch up with me, we are finally on the same page.

I am making kitchen sink omelets for us. I throw every leftover in the fridge in with some eggs. They’re pretty good, but really filling and that’s what I am going for. I quickly plate up the meal while Kristy sits at the bar.

“Do you want coffee, tea, water, or soda?” I ask.

Tags: K.L. Fast, M.K. Moore Kissing Junction, TX Erotic