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Travis and I fielded any questions we got. It’s not that Clay was embarrassed of our relationship, but he was private with strangers, so it became a fun game to see how fast I could steer the conversation in a new direction if someone began to pry.

The furniture in Greg’s living room had been pushed to one side and folding chairs set up, but most of the folks were still in the kitchen, hovering around the table where the fruit and cheese platters were.

Did Judy know what was happening?

A vengeful smile twitched on my lips. I hoped so. She thought she had all the power, but she’d be powerless to stop us.

Starting a recall petition had been my idea, but Greg fully supported it and had offered his house as the meeting space. I’d scoured the association bylaws, learning what percentage of homeowners we’d need for a quorum and then how many signatures it’d take to remove Judy from the board.

Clay, Greg, his neighbor Erika, and me as my parents’ proxy made four, but we’d need twenty-eight more. Looking around, I was encouraged. Not everyone could make the meeting tonight, but there were a lot of people here and once folks got to talking to their neighbors . . .

It was only a matter of time.

Clay had been standing beside me, and we watched as Travis strode toward us, a fresh glass of wine in hand and an easy smile on his face. Was I ever going to get used to how handsome these men were? Since we’d fallen in love, they’d only become more attractive.

If they kept getting hotter, it was going to burn my retinas.

“I was just talking to Jeremiah Abbott,” Travis said. “He got fined a hundred bucks for his stone bird bath being two inches too tall.”

I paused. “The Abbotts have a bird bath?”

“It’s in their backyard. He said his neighbor saw Judy out there one morning with a tape measure. She’d gone through the fence and everything.”

Clay groaned it under his breath. “Unbelievable.”

“She’s drunk with power.” I leaned in and dropped my voice low. “And not in the sexy way.”

Both men gave me a look of desire. When Travis had come home from work last night, we’d had a pretty intense session. Clay had taken the lead during the scene, Travis had been in charge during the aftercare, and we’d discovered the shower in Clay’s bathroom was just big enough for the three of us together.

I was so grateful I’d found these men. I couldn’t even remember what it was like before they were in my life, and I never wanted to go back either. Sure, no matter how much planning and designing Clay did, we wouldn’t know what the future held for us, but I wasn’t scared.

Our hearts were big enough for the three of us.

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Tags: Nikki Sloane Nashville Neighborhood Erotic