Page 65 of Team Players

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“That would be great.”

“Do you want to help me get things ready for later?”


I follow Trey into the kitchen, and he begins to pull things from the cupboard. We empty chips into bowls and search out paper plates and plastic cups. We tidy the den, putting away items that could get broken. I ask Trey if I should vacuum, but he just laughs. “There’s going to be a whole load of people dropping shit in a few hours. Don’t worry about it.”

I guess that approach makes sense to a man but not to me. I grab the vacuum cleaner anyway and do my best to make the place presentable.

“We’re ordering in pizzas,” Trey says, lifting the keg into the corner of the kitchen. “Can you look in that cupboard? I think we have some vodka and tequila from the last party.”

“Sure.” I duck into the low corner cupboard and find it overflowing with bottles of spirits, retrieving two. “Wow, it looks like you guys know how to have a good time.”

We spend the next half an hour laughing and joking, and all the while, I’m watching Trey and remembering what I read about his past. How does someone who has been through so much have such a balanced and positive view of the world? How is it that his smile can light up the whole room, and he practically never stops grinning? Trey has a light inside him that is infectious and so much adventurous spirit. For spring break last year, he tells me about the climbing adventure he went on with Harley and Hunter, and I’m blown away.

And I think back to what Danna said about the different personalities within a harem group and how much it adds to the relationship, and I can see exactly what she means. Being with someone like Trey would inspire me to be braver about experiencing life, and someone like John would always be there if I needed to explore my feelings. Dwayne would always make me laugh, and Gordon would have my back. Reggie’s artistic nature fits with my love of writing, and Logan’s confidence would inspire me to be bolder about my ambitions. Sean’s bright and sarcastic nature would remind me to never take anything too seriously, Harley and Hunter would bring the thoughtful seriousness, and Donovan and Daryl the light-heartedness that I so need.

But what would I bring to them?

It’s so hard to search for your own innate character traits. I’m only nineteen, and I’m still on the journey of self-discovery. Maybe that’s what I would bring to them… a desire to create a life for myself that is bigger and better than what I’ve been living. Maybe I’d be the glue to keep them all together.

Trey thanks me for helping and kisses me softly on the lips, promising that we’ll hang more when everyone arrives. We both head upstairs to get ready as the rest of the brothers are beginning to make their way down.

Harley and Hunter are putting the finishing touches on their hair in the bedroom when I stick my head around the door. “There she is,” Hunter says. “You owe us a birthday hug.”

“I’m holding out for something bigger and better than that,” Harley says with a wink.

“Ignore my brother.” Hunter pulls me into a gorgeous, warm hug and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

“Happy birthday,” I say, putting my hand against his cheek. “And I’m definitely up for the birthday sex later.”

“See?” Harley laughs. “That’s my girl.”

“He was holding out for a birthday blow-job,” Hunter says knowingly.

“Like you’d say no to that!” Harley tugs me out of Hunter’s arms for his birthday hug, and I’m enveloped in the scent of his cologne.

“There isn’t a straight man in this town who’d say no to that.”

“Ewww… gross,” I say. “Maybe don’t make me think about giving head to hundreds of strange men. I think there are enough men under this roof for me to deal with.”

“You don’t seem to be having problems dealing with us all so far,” Harley says.

I pretend to scowl. “Have you been comparing notes?”

Hunter puts a belt through the loops of his jeans and fastens it around his trim waist. “I don’t think you need to worry about us telling each other how fucking hot it is to be with you,” he says. “If they haven’t had the chance yet, you know they imagine it nonstop.”

“And if they have had the chance?”

“Then they’re reliving it in every detail.” He grins wolfishly. “You gonna get yourself all beautiful for us?”

“What?” I pretend to look down in confusion. “Is this not suitable party dress? Will I embarrass you in front of your friends?”

“No,” Harley says. “You could hit this party wearing a sack, and you’d still be sexier than the rest of the girls dressed up like that stupid family on TV with the big asses and sausage lips.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance