Page 38 of Team Players

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"This can be a new start," Harley says softly. His thumb brushes my knuckles, and I close my eyes with the sensation.

"A new start," I repeat softly.

"A new start for all of us," Hunter says.

The bed shifts as Harley turns to kiss me. His lips are soft, but the weight of him behind them is powerful. My hand slides into his hair, drawing him closer so I can kiss him deeper. Somewhere from the other side of the room, I hear the door closing and the lock sliding, but I don't turn to watch Hunter sealing the room off to his brothers. When the bed shifts again, this time to accommodate Hunter, I draw away from Harley. His twin's eyes are hungrier, darker in their intention if not in their color. He reaches out to unfasten my hair, allowing the soft waves to drop down over my shoulders. "You have such pretty hair," he says.

"She has such pretty everything," Harley agrees.

"You haven't seen everything," I say, eyes moving between them. They're like gorgeous bookends, identically hewn from the best DNA known to the universe. Their mother and father might not have been good at raising them, but they sure did a fine job with their creation.

"You want to show us?"

Hunter's thumb strokes down my face and over my bottom lip. I nod, feeling the heat of arousal spreading from my belly and down between my legs. There are so many reasons I should say no. So many reasons I should know better.

When I fucked Justin, I did it to taste a life I'd never known. To feel what it was like to have a man to hold me. A man to tell me I'm beautiful. A man to make me feel like nothing bad can touch me. It worked for a while. I wanted it enough that I created something in my mind that wasn't there in reality.

But this is different. These men know my situation, and they want me. They know the burden I'm carrying, and they want to shoulder it anyway. They want to do better for my child than my own father did for me. And I'm so lonely. So cold inside. So empty of the warmth that I felt in Justin's arms, even if it was all a lie.

"I've never done this beforeā€¦ you know." I glance between them, so they get that I mean more than one guy. Is it something I imagined? Hell yes. Justin's friend Danny is a total hottie. On more than one occasion, I imagined what it would be like to be the meat in that sandwich. The thing is, if Danny is a hottie, Harley and Hunter are raging infernos. They're so hot that my skin burns from even the gentlest graze. How am I going to deal with the two of them caressing me?

"You don't have to do anything, baby," Hunter says. "We've got this."

"Have you?"

I'm not sure why I'm asking them about their previous sexual experiences. I'm pretty sure they all have them unless the girls in this town are all confined to chastity belts.

"She wants to know if we know what we're doing." Harley smiles crookedly as though the very idea that I would question them is ridiculous.

"Oh, we know what we're doing!" It's like I've ignited something competitive in Hunter, and now he's all about proving his prowess. When he tugs off his shirt in one smooth movement, I get to see exactly how determined he really is. Oh God. I actually feel faint from the sight of his gorgeous broad shoulders and rounded biceps. His chest has a soft dusting of hair in the center and more trailing from navel down to the place I've only imagined. If Hunter's eagerness to strip off is anything to go by, I won't be imagining for long. A whoosh of excited air leaves my lips as Harley removes his shirt too.

I'm encouraged to move to the middle of the bed and lie back against the pillows. Harley and Hunter rest on either side of me. Hunter turns my face to him, kissing me gently, his hand resting on my belly, just underneath the fabric of my shirt. He's so hot, his hand so heavy, that my heart skitters. And when his brother's hand rests lower over my thigh, I find myself squirming.

How does Danna cope with ten men all wanting to be with her this way? Two men feel more than double as overwhelming as one. Maybe it's like riding a bike; you flounder at first, but then it's the easiest thing in the world. I hope so. I hope that these men can make me feel comfortable enough for this to be an amazing experience.

Hunter kisses me softly for what feels like hours, teasing and teasing as though he knows exactly what the slide of his tongue over mine does to me between my legs. His hand moves upward so painfully slowly that I almost break away to scream at him to just touch my breast, strip me down until I'm naked and my whole body is available for them to pleasure.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance