Page 17 of Team Players

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"Come into the kitchen," the man behind says. "We can fix you a drink, and you can meet everyone."

Gordon still doesn't move, but I don't let that stop me from making my way around him. As I pass, he turns, still with that little flicker of his mouth. Already, I can see that we are going to end up butting heads. I can feel him following behind me. His presence is so strong.

"Everyone, Maggie's here. She wants introductions."

"What do you want to know, Maggie?" The man who speaks has dark eyes, smooth dark skin, and hair cropped close to his scalp. As I scan the room, I realize he's one of three. Triplets. Eleven was bad enough but adding in twins and triplets means that I won't have a hope in hell of working out who is who.

"She wants to know the length of your cock. What the hell do you think she wants to know?" That's Logan, the guy who shouted from the car, and he sniggers at his own words. I don't miss the eye rolls of a few of his surrounding foster brothers.

"She better find a magnifying glass to check on yours," Harley says. He gives me an apologetic look.

Logan laughs good-naturedly, and my opinion of him lifts a little. At least he's not the kind of guy to take himself too seriously. A jester, I can cope with. An arrogant ass, not so much.

"John, you start," Harley says. John, it turns out, is even bigger than Gordon, with a close-cropped beard and dark, intense eyes that should feel intimidating but instead are filled with quiet warmth. Almost immediately, I can see why he was chosen by his brothers to be the one to help me. He raises his hand. "I'm John. I'm a Virgo, and my favorite food is mac and cheese." That is all delivered with an entirely straight face, which only splits into a warm smile after a few seconds. I smile quickly as the man next to him elbows John in the ribs.

"Lame," he says. "I'm Donovan. I love butterflies and roses and going for long walks in the rain."

"Guys, be serious. You're not coming up with a dating profile. Just tell her your name and be done with it," Gordon says impatiently.

"Fun sponge," the triplet next to Donovan says. He's the one who asked me what I wanted to know. "I'm Daryl."

"Dwayne," the other triplet says. "And don't worry, we won't be offended if you don't get us right. We've had a whole lifetime of people getting confused."

"And a lifetime of trying to confuse people," Donovan says with a wink.

"I'm Sean." This guy has almost jet-black hair and smooth tan skin. His eyes are sparkling green, like fractured jade crystals. So he's the one they think could charm my panties off. He's seriously cute, but no one is ever a sure thing! He's got a confident air about him that screams quarterback. I bet he can run and wave whilst swishing his hair back from his face, all while looking sexy as hell.

"Logan." The cocky one is leaning back on a wooden chair that looks like it's straining to hold all the toned man there is reclining against it. He's a little leaner than his brothers. His body screams fitness, like an athlete who competes in triathlons. There something about him that reminds me a little of Justin, but I push the comparison aside. It wouldn't be fair to tar him with my negative feelings about Justin. He's got to prove himself worthy or not.

Harley joked about the size of Logan’s cock, but he looks smug enough for me to speculate that he's not short in the junk department. As I think that, my eyes drift downward as if they have a mind of their own. Logan is wearing white joggers, and the outline of his cock confirms all of my thoughts. As I realize that I'm checking out his junk in front of him and a room full of his brothers, my head jerks up, and my cheeks heat. I hear a few sniggers, but no one says anything. They must be used to girls gaping at them with open mouths. There's no way that they leave this house without women staring. I'm surprised anyone in this town gets anything done with these boys swaggering around.

"You know me," Harley says abruptly like he's interjecting to save my embarrassment. "And this is my twin, Hunter."

Hunter nods and raises his hand. Is he really the strong silent type or just used to his brother being his voice?

"Trey," a blond man with striking blue eyes says from next to Hunter. He's wearing a plaid shirt and jeans and looks like he'd fit in on Danna's ranch.

"Reggie." This man has soft light brown curls that flop over his face and pretty, gray eyes that look as though they can see into another dimension. He's been doodling on a scrap of paper; huge swirling roses, with jagged leaves and twisting thorned stems. It's like the cover of a Sleeping Beauty fairy-tale novel.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance