Page 11 of Team Players

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"So, you need to make her welcome. See that she has everything that she needs. Keep her safe. She's your responsibility while she's here, okay? Look after her."

There's another murmur of agreement, and I take a step closer to my uncle. "Now I'm going to show her Dale's room. That's where she'll be staying, okay?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea," one of the boys says. "We've cleared the bedding from the room and the mattress. There's nothing for her to sleep on."

I realize immediately why they've had to do that, and my throat makes a choking sound. I'm going to have to go into that room to sort through Dad's things, knowing that it was where he fell asleep for the last time.

"She can have our room," a deep voice says from the corner. It belongs to a guy with light brown hair who is sitting next to his identical twin. They're so alike it's like one is a perfect reflection of the other. "Are you sure, Harley?" Walter asks. How the hell does he know that's Harley and not the other twin?

He nods, and so does his brother. "We can bunk down here, just until things are sorted."

"Well, that's real nice of you." Walter beams like a proud father.

Harley stands. "I'll get you some fresh linen and towels. I can show you around if you like."

I nod, feeling more nerves in the pit of my stomach than I do the first time I perform a new cheer routine. As Harley moves toward us, I catch sight of a wall of pictures on either side of the large TV. I wonder if there are any of me up there. I wonder if my dad ever talked about me to these boys or if I'm just a stranger they found out about when their foster father died.

What I know for sure is that I'm going to learn a whole lot while I stay here. How long that will be for, I have no idea.


Uncle Walter strolls into the hallway, drifting to the front door as though he's not quite sure about leaving me behind but has already dedicated enough time to me today. I'm really grateful, but this whole situation feels crazy. How can I sleep in a house with eleven strange men? How the hell have I gotten here?

"You've got my number," Walter says. "If you need anything… I mean, anything… give me a call."

He glances over my shoulder at Harley, who is waiting to show me upstairs. "Look after her."

There's an exchange of serious manly nods, and Walter's shoulders lower a touch as though he's been reassured by Harley's response.

"Thanks," I say. "For everything."

"It's nothing." Walter waves his hand. "I'm just sorry it's taken this to bring you back."

I smile tightly. It feels as though there is a slice of underhanded criticism in that comment, but I can't respond. I have to keep my mouth shut because opening it will just cause problems.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe. I'll call you."

Walter's hand is on the door handle, and I take a step forward instinctively. Harley is a large and looming presence behind me. Two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle, oozing masculinity. I can practically feel the heat radiating from him and the strength. If he wanted to, he could toss me over his shoulder and carry me anywhere in this house without breaking a sweat. He could hold me down and do whatever he wanted to me, and I wouldn't be able to do a thing to stop him. I know there's something wrong with me when these wild thoughts make me hot between my legs. What kind of girl am I to be pregnant at nineteen and thinking about sex with a huge stranger? Not a good one, that's for sure.

I watch Walter make his way down the steps and amble over to his vehicle. His shape and gait from the back remind me of my dad. I swallow against the prickle of a lump in my throat. I have to be strong and deal with all of this. I don't have another choice.

"Ready?" Harley asks, his deep voice low and sexy enough to make the hairs stand on the back of my neck.


I wait for Harley to make his way up the stairs first, partly because I'm not the one who knows where everything is and partly because I want to check him out. Damn. I am not disappointed. His ass moves like a well-oiled machine. I'm pretty certain that he's a monster on the field and in the bedroom. A man with power like that behind him could wreck a woman. I thought Justin was big, but Harley could pummel him into the ground.

At the top, Harley pauses. "There's the main bathroom." He points to a door that's open. Behind I can see a clean white tub and polished blue and white tiles. Not what I expected a house filled with men to look like. I guess my dad must have gotten them doing chores from a young age.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance