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My eyes wander down his muscular back before landing on his toned ass. Shit, he has a sexy ass. I wouldn’t be opposed to taking a bite out of it.

“Oh, and Shayne.” I snap my attention to his face, but the twinkle in his emerald eyes shows he saw what I was staring at. “You’re quitting all your other jobs.”

“What? No, I can’t.”

“You can and you will.”

“Just because I’m moving in with you does not give you the right to dictate my life.”

Damien turns around and crowds into my space, his body heat intensifying the burning lust between us. “Well, I’m giving you a promotion.”

“Don’t you have to talk to your brothers about that?”

“I’ve got it covered.” His finger brushes over my face and I lean into the gesture.

“What if I turn your promotion down? You can’t just buy me. I’m not for sale.”

He cracks a grin. “You’re a fighter, and I really dig that about you. But, please let me help you.”


He still has his finger brushing over my face and tingles erupt down my spine. “Because I kind of like you.” And with those words he leaves the room.

I really kind of like him too. Is that crazy?



“We’re hiring, Shayne.” I say to my brothers as we all stand in our kitchen.

“Umm, she already works for us,” Ben says with a laugh.

Clara and Emma smile at each other like they have some secret between them. These silent conversations between my family members excluding me seem to be happening a lot lately.

“I mean for our website and such. She’s good at what she does.”

“Damien, we agree.” Axel moves to stand next to me.

I don’t know why their approval means so much to me, but having them agree with me feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I exhale and smile at my family, wishing Shayne was awake and with us.

“I agree, she’s very good. I want her to do my website for my yoga studio.” Emma smiles.

“Now, can we go workout, please?” Ben asks, pushing off the kitchen counter.

“Oh, I didn’t know anyone was here.” Shayne pulls her t-shirt down as she tries to cover herself up.

It’s amazing how seconds ago I was happy to be surrounded by family, and now all I want is for them to disappear so I can peel the tiny shorts Shayne’s wearing off, and taste her right on the carpet.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Ben asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“Good Morning Shayne. We didn’t know you were here.” Clara has the biggest smile on her face.

In fact, they all do.

Oops, I guess I should’ve given my family a heads up about my new roomie. Too late now.

“Shayne’s roommates blindsided her and moved another girl in her room without telling her, so I offered her our house until she can find somewhere else.” It’s a lie. Shayne isn’t going anywhere, but I know how much it would hurt her pride if I told my family the truth.

“That’s a great idea. There’s no reason for you to be living in this big house all alone,” Ben says as Axel nods in agreement.

“Hi. I’m your neighbor. You can play in my backyard whenever you want.” Felicity bounces with her crooked ponytail swinging as she skips up to Shayne.

“That sounds fantastic.” Shayne gets down on her knees to fix Felicity’s ponytail.

“Want breakfast?” Felicity asks her.

I can’t help but laugh at my little niece as she charms the woman who’s been on my mind way too much lately. Shayne stalls taking longer than normal to fix Felicity’s hair, making my heart stutter.

Shayne kisses her cheek. “Thank you, but I’ll just have some coffee.” She peers around the kitchen.

“We’ve got plenty.” Emma holds up the pot and I grab a mug out of the cupboard for Shayne.

As she makes her coffee, I step closer. “We wanted to talk to you about something.” Maybe bombarding Shayne with my family in the kitchen isn’t the best way to promote her, but I want to get this over with so Shayne knows we’ve got her back. “I’m sure this comes as no surprise to you since I told you when you moved in, but we would like to hire you to do our website and social media. That way you don’t have to kill yourself working multiple jobs.” My words finally get her to look at me. The fire in them makes me wonder if I said something wrong.

“I appreciate the offer, but no thank you.”

“Umm, why don’t we go outside?” Emma takes Felicity’s hand. The rest of my family follows her.

“What do you mean no?” I cross my arms over my chest.

“I’m not your charity case for you to fix, Damien.”

I suck in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. You’re right.” I sit down on a bar stool as I watch Shayne flutter around the kitchen to make her coffee. “I’m a fixer. Always have been.”

Tags: Logan Chance The Trifecta Romance