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“Stay still.” The voice is deep, full of sleep, and unmistakable as to its identity. What happened?

“How?” I can’t even form a coherent question.

We’re on Damien’s couch in his office. His head is on the opposite side of mine, but our legs are a tangled mess in the middle. I untangle our legs and plant my feet on the ground.

“You fell asleep when I went to get your stuff.” Damien drags his hand through his thick black hair. I have to swallow as lust pulls against my throat. I mean we did it in the back of his SUV, an office couch would be an upgrade. “I felt bad for keeping you up all night, so I let you sleep. I was going to wake you up after the club closed, but I got tired and must’ve fallen asleep too.”

“Oh.” Is all my sluggish brain can come up with.

Damien grins at my response. My stupid cheeks heat up from the sound. “You can use Clara’s bathroom to freshen up if you want. I’m going to take a quick shower.”

Damien gives me the code to get into Clara’s office. Her bathroom is equipped with an enormous shower, and I sigh at the thought of hot water. Knowing Damien is taking one I figure I have time for a quick one. Then, I’m thinking of him naked just across the hall. My nipples pebble and there’s an ache growing in my core at the thought of him all soapy and hard. I attempt to get my body to calm down, but naked Damien is too much for my imagination.

I take a quick record-breaking shower. I’m glad I have a change of clothes and toothbrush in my backpack. I’ve been sleeping in my car more often, since I’m late on rent and my roommates are not happy. I’m so far behind on life, I’m thinking of ditching the apartment all together and living in my car to save money.

I really messed up my life when I was younger, and now I’m paying for it...literally. My brothers helped as much as they could, but they were stuck with our parents' debt after they died. I should have helped out more. But instead I didn’t handle things right, and racked up credit card bills, student loans, and everything else you can imagine.

Sometimes I wish I was more like Damien. Able to work hard right from the start. I bet he never went wild and wasted away money and time like I did. No, I bet he’s always been in control of his finances. Must be nice.

A pang of jealousy hits me for a second before I realize I admire him for what he’s accomplished. I’m going to strive to be more like him. School, work, and that’s it. I need to pay off my bills and help my brothers out. No time for getting involved with my boss.

With a new resolve on life, I turn the shower off and step out. I throw on my clothes and take a moment to brush my hair and put on some make-up before meeting Damien back in his office. He was too perceptive earlier when I freaked out when he told me to go home. The suspicion on his face was unmistakable. I’m going to have to be more careful when I’m around him. He catches me off guard, and then watches my reaction. And, I can’t believe I fell asleep in Damien’s office. Thankfully, today’s my day off at my other job, or I’d really be screwed.

Damien has on low-cut jeans and a tight white t-shirt. He’s coming out of his bathroom, and I stop to stare as he towels off his hair. His face is hidden from me which gives me time to get myself together. He drops the towel and his smile is infectious when he sees me. “Feeling better?”

I nod, unable to form any coherent words together. He’s just too breathtaking in person.

“Are you hungry?”

I can’t believe I stayed the night here. It’s early morning and the sun peeks through the blinds in his office. I have class in a few hours, but I don’t want to leave here just yet. I don’t want to see my roommates with no money for rent.

“Can we eat here? I can show you some things I think will work for your website.”

“Perfect, I already ordered breakfast. It should be here soon.”

I smile. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

I catch him studying me and all humor is erased. The room seems hotter than it did a second ago, and I tamp down the urge to fan myself. Damien's gaze is hot as he travels the length of my body. And I stand here, letting him get his fill.

His phone beeps, dragging him away from me. “Food’s here. I’ll be right back.” He throws his towel in a hamper in the bathroom and takes off downstairs.

Tags: Logan Chance The Trifecta Romance