Page 10 of Tequila, Tequila

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“Okay. Answer, and if they’re on the list, put them on hold, check with him, and put them through.”

“Yep.” She rounded the desk and showed me how to do it, and it was much easier than I thought it would be. “So, the computer…”

The next ten minutes consisted of Casey logging me into all the programs I needed and showing me where the files were. As well as organizing meetings and viewings and phone calls, it was also my job to send information to prospective clients. If they were looking at a specific property or types of property, I had to gather and provide all the information for them.

And, as Casey said, we always said: “by the end of the day.”

It’d been thirty minutes, and I was already overwhelmed. There was so much to take in—so much info that I didn’t think I’d remembered a damn thing.

“Okay.” Casey clapped her hands and bounced. “I’m going to stand by the window and call you and see how you do. Remember, let it ring two times before you answer.”

“Um, okay.” I had a lump in my throat the size of a small planet.

The phone rang. I let it ring two times and picked up. “Good morning, this is Cameron Reid’s office. Mallory speaking. How can I help you?”

“Oh, good morning. I’m looking for a three-bed, two-bath property in the area. Do you have anything available?”

My eyes widened.


Did we? I didn’t know.

Casey smiled and held the phone to her chest. “Think. You don’t know off the top of your head. What do you need to do?”

I took a deep breath. “Ask if they’re renting or buying, confirm that we do, and take an email address to send information over, or arrange an appointment to come in and talk to Mr. Reid.”

She pointed a finger at me to continue.

“Do you have anything available?” Casey continued.

“Yes, ma’am. Are you looking to rent or buy?”

“To buy.”

“We do have a number of properties available for you to look at. Would you like me to email you some information on them, or would you prefer to come in and take a look yourself?”

Casey grinned. “Email would be great. Here, it’s blah blah blah,” she finished. “Will it take long?”

“I’ll have it to you by the end of the day.”

“Perfect, thank you so much.” Casey hung up. “There, you would thank them for calling Reid Real Estate and reiterate that you’ll be in touch. Good job, Mallory. I know it’s tough, but you’ll have the hang of it in a week.”

“Let’s hope so,” I muttered. “I feel like I’m drowning.”

“No, you’ll be fine. My number is in the book in the drawer, and my email is already in your contacts list. If you need anything, Amanda is there to help and so am I until you settle in. I promise this is an easy job. There are no surprises whatsoever.”

Heavy footsteps echoed on the stairs.

Casey brightened. “Oh, good. Mr. Reid is here early today. I was hoping to be able to introduce you.”

My hands shook under the desk. Oh, God, why was I shaking? That wasn’t going to make a good impression whatsoever.

“No, I can’t do today. Because I said so,” the voice said.

It was vaguely familiar.

“Mother, no. I’m busy all day.” The man the voice belonged to stepped into the room.

My stomach sunk.

Thick, wavy, dark hair that curled over his ears.

Bright-blue eyes.

A strong jaw dotted with dark stubble.

A light-gray suit that hugged his body better than any fabric had a right to.

It was Mr. Dreamboat.

Oh, no.

Casey opened her mouth, but he held up a finger, his jacket draped over his forearm as he carried a sleek leather briefcase in his hand. His eyes darted toward us for barely a second, something flickering in them when they landed on me.

I swallowed as his office door swung shut behind him.

Casey eyed me speculatively. “Do you know him?”

“Um.” I swung my gaze from his door to her. “Not really. We’ve had a…fleeting meeting.”

“Please don’t tell me you’ve slept with him.”

“No! Oh God, no. Nothing like that.” My cheeks flushed.

“Oh, thank God.” She pressed her hand to her chest and leaned on the desk. “What is it, then?”

I bit my lip and dragged it between my teeth. “After I left the interview, I grabbed Starbucks, and I was kind of in my own little world. I might have stepped into the road without checking it, and I might have fallen over in front of his car trying not to get run over.”

Casey’s eyes widened. “Oh. Oh. You’re the crazy girl he was muttering about yesterday morning.”

I dropped my head to the desk, the keyboard slamming as I wrote God only knew what on the screen with my forehead.

“Well, if nothing else, this will be interesting.”

The amusement in her voice told me she was looking forward to this meeting.

Tags: Emma Hart Young Adult