Page 41 of Catastrophe Queen

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Cordelia stared at me for a long moment. Then, she downed her wine.

I was expecting…

Well, I didn’t know what I was expecting.

Cameron might have been the boss, but it was clear who pulled strings in the company. If Cordelia didn’t like me, there was no doubt I’d be out of a job on Monday morning.

I didn’t expect her to get up, open a desk drawer, and pull out a half-sized bottle of Sauvignon.

“Another?” she asked, holding up the bottle.

I’d only had two.

I did as she did and finished my wine so I could hand her an empty glass.

“Excellent choice. It’s a wonderful wine, from Southern France.” She opened the bottle and removed the cork with a finesse I could only dream of, then poured us two glasses.

Proper glasses.

“I don’t know what I like more,” I said. “The ease you pulled the cork with, or how you actually like your wine.”

She set down the bottle and, with a smirk firmly on her face, picked up her glass. “Cheers to that.”

We clinked glasses, and she was right. It was a delicious wine, and that was just enough for me to ignore the fact I was sitting here with my boss’ mother, drinking wine, hiding away from everyone.

“You,” she said after a moment. “Are perhaps one of the smartest people in that room.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“You recognized the situation for what it was. Rachel Cooper is a nightmare of the highest degree,” Cordelia continued, her steady gaze holding mine. “She’s been desperate to date my son for a long time now, despite his assurances otherwise.”

“Despite him telling her where to go, you mean.”

“Well, yes.” Her lips twitched. “I recognized what you did immediately. Like I said—you’re incredibly smart, Mallory, and I like you. You could go far in this industry, and I don’t just mean as my husband’s assistant. I’ve watched you network tonight, and to someone who didn’t know you were nervous, you’ve handled it like a pro.”

I swallowed and sipped. “Thank you.”

“You won’t deny you were nervous?”

“No offense, but have you ever met yourself?”

She laughed, dropping her head back. “I suppose I can be quite overbearing.”

“Quite overbearing? You strong-armed me into this. If I weren’t here, I’d be at home watching Netflix with no pants on and eating my body weight in ice-cream.”

Another laugh escaped her. “Well, I wanted to meet you. What can I say?” The smile that lit up her face was different than the others—there was a warm tone to it that made me smile, too.

She took a long drink of her wine until it was at a similar level to what it was when she came in here, then she took one more sip.

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Time to get back to it.” She smiled at me, a genuinely warm smile that reached her eyes and made them shine, and walked to the door.

There, she stopped.

Slowly, she turned, making eye contact with me. “Mallory?”


“I don’t recommend wearing a dress like that to work. My son is easily distracted.” Her lips twitched once, giving the slightest illusion of a smile, but it was the glint in her eye that made me blush.

With that, she left, making sure the door clicked behind her.


I was in trouble.


“All right?” The voice in my ear was low and breathy, and I jumped.

I’d not long gotten whisked into a conversation with Cordelia and her friends that’d lasted far too long for my liking. Not to mention I hadn’t been able to offer anything until one of the women had mentioned being after a lodge in the mountains.

Then, I’d been everyone’s best friend. I’d avoided the Broughton Lodge, knowing that Cynthia wanted it—and she happened to be present—but I offered inside information on the one I knew I was listing on Monday.

Cordelia had just about burst with happiness.

Now, I was alone, and it was Cameron who’d snuck up behind me and whispered in my ear.

I nodded. “Your mom corralled me for a while, but I think one of her friends are going to call about that new lodge first thing on Monday?”

“See?” He slid beside me, one hand touching my back. “And you thought you’d hate this all.”

“Oh, I didn’t say I liked it.”

He laughed, stepping into me. “Ready for a break?”

I nodded, and he guided me out of the back door to a decking a little further away from the house. It was set high up in the town, and the decking looked out over the town I called home.

Lights blinked all over, and it was early enough in the year that we could still see the vague outline of the mountains behind it. It was barely there, but it was beautiful all the same.

Solar lights pinged to life as we took to the seating area, but instead of sitting, Cameron went to the fencing that surrounded the area.

Tags: Emma Hart Romance