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“Your ‘people’?” Char repeated. “I think being jobless has already addled that sexy brain of yours.” With a gasp she covered her mouth. “It was the wine! Crap!”

“You think I’m sexy?” He baited her with a wink; old habits die hard. And he hadn’t participated in said habits for over a week now. The fact that she said he was sexy both terrified and excited him. Blood pumped to all the wrong places. Easy, his brain told him, it would be so easy just to bag her and then you could forget about caring. Forget about trying. The truth? He was scared shitless that the minute he took a chance on someone actually worth taking a chance on, they’d laugh in his face. He wasn’t good enough for Kacey; why the hell would he be good enough for Char?

“No.” She turned away and shook her head as if trying to understand where saying “sexy” had come from.

“It’s okay.” Jake came up behind her. “Lots of women do.”

“I needed to hear you say that.”

“Why?” He tensed as she turned around and ran her fingers up and down his chest.

“It helps me remember what a selfish ass you are.”

“You may change your tune after this afternoon.”

“I have my doubts.”

Jake leaned in until their lips were a breath apart. “I live to prove you wrong.”

Char sighed. “Fine, make the call. I’m worthless at work anyways.”

Grinning, Jake pulled out his phone and dialed Grandma’s number. She answered on the second ring. “This better be good, Jake. I’m winning.”

“I need you to find someone.”

Grandma was silent.

Jake groaned. “It’s for Char.”

“Text me specifics.” Grandma said in a low voice, “I’ll see what I can do.”

The phone clicked off and Jake shoved it into his back pocket. Char was glaring at him through long lashes. “That’s your people?”

“Sweetheart, you have no idea.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and grabbed the food with his other hand. “Now, run home, change into something sexy, grab an overnight bag and meet me back here in an hour. We have some celebrating to do.”

Char’s shoulders slumped beneath Jake’s arm. “You don’t have to do this. Seriously, I’m fine now. See? All better.” She pointed at her face and managed a pathetic smile.

He didn’t have the heart to make her feel worse by telling her how sad she looked, so he went another route. The one that made him look like an ass. At least he knew how to default into that guy. The type of male who knew exactly what to say to push a woman’s buttons. Only this time, it was to save her from herself, not to selfishly convince her to be with him. Odd, how past weaknesses could turn into strengths. He gave her a crooked grin and eyed her up and down, then reached for her face and tilted it as if examining it for age lines. “Fine. Have it your way, but if I was turning another year older—you know, approaching thirty as fast as you were—I’d want to be with someone who knew how to have a good time. Besides, I’ll buy you dinner.”

Her eyes narrowed, “But you’re jobless.”

“And as you pointed out… still a millionaire.” Jake set the wine bottle down on the table and grabbed Char’s hand and kissed it. “Let me make up for it. Please.” The last time he’d said please and meant it had been a year ago when he’d begged Kacey to go with him to see his parents. Great; so basically the last time he’d said please and actually meant it for non-selfish reasons he’d been eight and wanted a popsicle for his invisible friend.

Her eyes darted back and forth between the door and the floor. “Fine, but just… don’t be too nice. I may mistake it for pity and get mad at you all over again.”

“Deal.” He nodded toward the door. “Now drive your sexy ass home and put on something…” He stepped back and looked her up and down. “hot. Put on something hot.”

“This isn’t hot?” She twirled in front of him, her good humor seeming to return. He chuckled as she twirled like a little kid. Damn, she really was beautiful. He cleared his throat and looked away.

“You’d look beautiful in anything, but you need to be wearing a birthday outfit.”

Char’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Okay. I’ll be back soon.”

Jake nodded as he watched the sway of her hips as she walked off. Once she reached the door, Char turned. “Jake…”


“Thank you.”

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken The Bet Romance