Page 93 of The Bet (The Bet 1)

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“I’ll kill him.” Jake pushed her away and rose to his feet. “Did he do this to you? Is that why you’re crying? That son of—”

“No, no.” Kacey sniffed. “It was me too. It was both of us. But in the end it was him.”

“Huh?” Jake crouched to her eye level. “Why don’t you start at the beginning?”

He had no clue. This perfect specimen of a man had no clue the hurt he caused. Well, he was about to.

“Actually…” Her voice waivered. “It starts with you.”


She nodded. “Yup, the night you left me and never came back.”

Surprisingly, she was holding herself together quite well, considering.

“You’re referring to the night I live to regret every day of my life. That night?”

She wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or a really cruel thing to say.

Jake cursed and wrapped his arm around her. “I was scared.”

“What?” Of all the things he could have said, that was the least expected.

“Yes, I know. Jake Titus, scared? But it’s the truth. I knew I’d messed up. I knew we were friends, and of course we were attracted to one another. I mean, how could we not be? We were inseparable, and let me tell you it’s nearly impossible for girls and guys to be friends.”

Kacey sighed into his shoulder.

“I knew I’d messed up and I didn’t know how to fix it. For once in my life I didn’t have a plan. I had no idea what to do. Should I apologize? Should I do it again?” He chuckled. “Should I say I loved you? I just didn’t know, so I did the only thing I could at such an immature age.”

“You left,” Kacey finished.

Jake nodded. He looked at her watery eyes and cursed. “I was an ass.”

Kacey laughed. “That we can agree on.”

“I never said I was sorry.”

Her lip trembled.

Jake reached out and tilted her chin. “I am though. I’m so sorry, Kace. I never meant to hurt you. I was stupid and young and well, sometimes it’s easier to be selfish and cruel than to be real. I chose the stupid route, hoping it would just make everything go away.”

“I’m sorry too,” Kacey mumbled. “I should have done more, said more, or even said no. I just, I don’t know…”

Jake pulled her to her feet. “Kace, let’s both agree that bad choices were

made, but let’s move past it. I don’t know what Travis did, but I do know one thing. That kid has been obsessed with you ever since you were old enough to run away when he threw rocks.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “It will work out, promise.”

Kacey nodded, still not trusting her voice to speak.

“And, I think we’ve waited long enough. Let’s drive home.”

“It’s four hours.”

“We’ll pay someone.” He shrugged.

“Heartless billionaire.”

Jake threw his head back and laughed. “Heartless, no. Billionaire, yes.” With a wink he wrapped his arm around her and led her back through the airport.

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken The Bet Romance