Page 41 of The Bet (The Bet 1)

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“Remember.” Travis fought the urge to nudge her out of her bad mood. “You were so happy because Mom and Dad paid for everyone to go to that Backstreet Boys concert. You went backstage and met Brian and announced you were going to marry him.”

She let out a snort then a laugh. “Gosh, how I loved those Backstreet Boys.”

“Every girl did. I, however, wanted to set fire to their trailer and watch them die very slow agonizing deaths.”

“You and every other guy out there,” she teased.

“So, admit it.” He turned down the side street. “You like surprises.”

“Travis Titus, are you taking me to see the Backstreet Boys?”

“No.” He shuddered. “Thank God. I’m taking you some place that will make you feel happy, not resort back to the high-pitched screams of sixteen.”

“Happy?” She played with the radio. “Hmm, what would you know about making me happy? You threw rocks, taunted me, teased me, and chased me, and you think you know the one place in this town that’s going to make me happy?”

In that moment he did look at her legs, her face, her eyes, her lips, and answered with confidence, “Yes, yes I am.”

Kacey squinted in confusion then looked back out her window. It was for the best that they didn’t talk. He was getting more attached by the minute, and she was leaving in a matter of days. Two to be exact.

His heart clenched. He’d get over it. Just like he’d gotten over her in high school? His memory reminded him that it wasn’t likely.

Taking a deep breath, he turned onto the correct street. The entire drive was quiet, up until he saw the sign and pulled into the parking lot.

“The zoo.” Kacey stated. “You’re taking me to the zoo?”

“Don’t sound so impressed,” Travis teased. “Maybe we can find an ass that looks exactly like my brother! Perhaps I’m being too hopeful.” He sighed and parked into the first available spot and turned off the car.

“What makes you think this is going to make me happy?” Kacey didn’t budge, her seatbelt was still fastened, her arms crossed.

Travis unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over. “Get out of the car and find out.”

Never one to back down from a challenge, Kacey glared at him as she unbuckled her seatbelt and threw open the door.

Geez, the reunion must have been worse than he thought.

They walked side by side to the entrance. Travis paid for the tickets and flinched when he noticed her walk ahead of him. He wanted to put his hand on her back, to touch the smooth skin peeking out from her dress. He hated his brother all over again for having the honor of touching something so sacred.

“So, where to, oh happy-maker?” Kacey had her hands on her hip.

“Are you going to be like this the whole time?”

“Like what?” Her lip jutted out. Adorable. She was trying too hard to be angry and hold a grudge.

“Look, I’m just trying to repair the damage done by my blood relation. You can participate or not. Your choice.”

Kacey broke eye contact and sighed. “You can’t fix that damage. It’s already been done.”

Honestly, he had no idea what kind of damage had already been done, he just knew they’d broken up and parted on bad terms, and to be frank, it wasn’t any of his business.

“I mean, what he did today,” Travis clarified. “Flirting with anything in a tight skirt and making you sit next to lustful women.” He winked. “Not to mention springing a ridiculous reunion brunch on you, when we both know how much you hated high school.”

“Key word is hate,” Kacey chimed in.

“Ah, there’s my girl. Now how about a smile?”

Her nostrils flared.

“A tiny one?” he asked, getting closer.

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken The Bet Romance