Page 30 of The Bet (The Bet 1)

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He looked at Kacey to gauge her reaction.

She closed her eyes.

“Kace,” he whispered. “Open your eyes. The cat isn’t going to magically float into the living room.”

She peeked behind her hands then reached for the last bit of her wine, downing its contents and handing him her glass. “More.”

Far be it for him to deny her anything. He went in search of another bottle.

The minute the cork was out, Kacey held out her glass, still not taking her eyes off the TV. She really did have a weird fear when it came to that dang cat. To her credit, she didn’t scream like the last time, which would have been when she was fifteen, but she did inch closer and closer to him until her thigh was touching his.

Sweet torture.

He began drinking to keep his hands and lips occupied, and as the credits flashed, he realized they had finished two bottles of wine.

Kacey, however, looked wired. “We have to watch someth

ing happy to get rid of those mental images.”

Travis shook his head, feeling way more relaxed than he should, his arm draped around her, pulling her closer. “What do you want then?”

What he meant to say was Well, what do you want to watch then? But he was slightly drunk and a little loose-lipped.

She shrugged, snuggling closer into his body. His arm, once on her shoulders, caressed her back, moving lower and lower until it grazed her butt.

“Kace?” he asked again. She hadn’t moved, and the room was spinning, partially from the wine and partially from his lust-filled state.

“Hmm?” She looked up. God, she was beautiful, and so damn close to him he could nearly taste the wine on her lips.

“Your call,” he said, lowering his head to hers.

“This means nothing,” she whispered against his lips. “We’re drunk, and it means nothing,” she repeated as her hands tangled in his hair.

With a moan he shook his head.

“Right, nothing.” He licked her lower lip, tasting the red wine then running his tongue along the bottom of her jaw.

She arched her back, and he pulled her closer. His control was hanging on by a single thread.

When his lips grazed hers, she opened her mouth to him. All hell broke loose. He hadn’t expected her to taste so good, to feel so ripe, to feel perfect in his arms, to moan his name.

His tongue tangled with hers. Kacey ran her fingers up and down his biceps then tucked her hands underneath his shirt, peeling it off his body.

“Told you naked slumber parties were more fun,” he said between kisses.

She giggled and reached for her own shirt. No way in hell he was going to miss watching this. He leaned back mesmerized as she began to strip, and then… the lights flipped on.


“Travis! Kacey!” She put a hand over her heart.

Oh God, this was it. His grandma had just seen him getting ready to screw his brother’s fiancée. He was going to be the reason for her death. He just knew it.

She tilted her head. “Kacey, that brassier is quite charming. Pink. Now why don’t I have any pink lingerie?”

Travis hid his head in his hands, praying to disappear.

Grandma shrugged. “You kids be sure to clean up now. Don’t want Jake coming home and seeing remnants of your lovemaking.”

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken The Bet Romance