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I begin to feel a moment of remorse, something I have never allowed myself before, but when I map the rest of her body, I can see her hands are shaking, her chest is heaving, as her heart moves viciously in her chest telling me she wants this. “Kneel, Jewel. We already discussed that I don't like repeating myself, little one. Did we not?'' I quirk my eyebrow, so she knows I mean business.

“Y-yes, Dario.”

“Lesson three” I say moving her hair behind her ear as caress her shoulder. “Dario is only in the presence of other people, or a formal function, unless I signal you otherwise. Outside of those situations, that ‘sir’ you were so fond of using, is the only thing you are to call me. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.” I have to close my eyes and blow out my breath. Hearing her call me ‘sir’ because I commanded it, affects me more than I expected.

“Such a good girl.'' I rub her cheek watching as she does what I say. She bends to her knees, her body wobbling as she obeys, redness spreading over the top of her body, my eyes anxious to see if the rest of her will be just as red. However, that will have to wait. Her head bowed, I smelled the scent of the berry body wash and shampoo I had MariaLisa bring in this morning while she was having breakfast. Like a fucking orchard. “Lift your head baby.” she does so immediately and my cock cries. He doesn’t fucking weep, the motherfucker cries. “Shit, you have no idea, how much I want to fuck you up against every surface of this goddamn office. Lesson four. When I bring you to your knees before me, know it is for one purpose and for one purpose only...pull my dick out.” I tried to think of a different way to say it but fuck it. Not going to get her used to candy coated sugar shit. That ain’t me.

The moment her hand unzips my pants, I feel myself coming unglued. Well shit. Looks like this is going to be a suck and shoot situation. My monster has been waiting his whole life for his match...his unequal/equal if you will. Ohh fuck. Her hand pulls my fucking drill out and I swear to fuck, her hands are like goddamn inferno. Fire is raging through my balls, promising to erupt in her face like a motherfucking volcano if I don't rectify the situation. “Have you ever sucked a dick before, baby?”

“No, Sir.” she says her eyes transfixed, taking in the massiveness of the instrument she will come to worship. I let a deep breath at the answer she gave me. She has no idea how close we just were to WW3 had she given me a different one. As fucked up as that sounds, like I put myself on a throne or some shit, the reality of it is, it is she who will be worshipped.

Submission, is not some fucking punishment, meant to be endured. It is a form of reverence that the protector bestows upon his desires. In return, she trusts him to do with her as he pleases knowing in the end, she is his one priority, and he will put her before no other. Do you know how fucking deep that goes? It’s not about swings and fucking ball’s about the ultimate surrender and responsibility and knowing that I finally have my gift, right where she belongs. Shit...I’m the one almost undone.

“Take a good look at the force you are holding your hands, baby. This is the only one you will ever know, see, touch or think about. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” shit. Every. Damn. Time.

“Good girl. Now, put it in your mouth. Just the head for now. I want you to get used it to before I fuck it into your tonsils.” she jerks, for a moment, her face scared and unsure. Fucking asshole, Dario. You should have left that part out. Don’t scare the girl. Rubbing her head I apologize. “I’m sorry, little bird. I didn't mean to scare you...right out the gate. It’s ok baby. Just the tip.”

“Yes sir.” fucking torture. She opens her mouth and like a moth to a flame her tongue comes out and swirls around the head, tasting, testing. Her eyes never leave mine and I read it. She is testing me. Seeing if I am going to go back on my word and obliterate her poor throat though I just said I wouldn’t. That is one thing I will never do...go back on my word to her.

“Oh shit.” My body jumps as my mind comes back. Her tongue goes up the slit, licking up the cream that is just for her and when her eyes home in on mine, I swear to fuck, I can feel my control slipping, begging me to take back control of this situation that is quickly, being transferred to her, but I can't. That...right here... is part of the relationship. By submitting to me, knowing she has nothing to worry about any longer, she will begin to gain her confidence and she will soar.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic