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Getting out of bed, no longer shy about being naked in front of him, I beam as his eyes take me in. “Shit. I am going to wait downstairs. Don’t wash my come off, baby. We are going to be around a lot of men. I want them to be able to smell me on you, so they know.” I already know the answer, but I ask anyway because the darkness in me loves to hear him say it.

“Know what?” from across the room his eyes sparkle as they grow darker. The smirk on his face tells me he knows what I am doing, and he enjoys it.

“So they know that you are my cum toy. My possession and the one thing in my life that will sentence everyone to death if they lay their hands on you. Now get dressed.” he says the last part as he adjusts his dick in his pants and walks out. My body quakes and from the coolness of the room but also from his words. I love the way they blanket me and shroud me in his heat.

“Well shit.'' I say aloud to myself as I look in the mirror. There is no way anyone would miss his claim. I am covered in bruises and bite marks from the rough treatment of my body. My hand grazes each one, paying homage to the way it felt as I was receiving them. God. My legs begin to squeeze together, quivering with want, but he gave me an order.

Twenty minutes later, I am in jeans and the white T-Shirt he picked along with the black crystal studded heels. I still don’t own makeup, but my face is flushed enough. I brush my hair out and shrug. This is as good as it is going to get. I see him at the bottom of the stairs, typing on his phone, when he stills and looks up. “Phenomenal.” is all he says as he meets me up top and escorts me down.

“Thank you.” I say in shallow breaths. His gaze is going to undo me.

“My pleasure and job, sweet girl. Turn so I can put this on you.” I put my back to him and gasp as he put a diamond necklace around me. Looking down, I note it is more than a necklace, it says his name in diamonds. Turning to him, I smile and try to not cry.

“Thank you, Sir. It’s beautiful.”

“Nothing is as beautiful as you. But this will have to do until I can get the rest of my mark on you. Put this jacket on.” He holds up a leather jacket that looks custom made. I see a hint of words on the back, but I can’t see all of it. He notices my curiosity. “It says Dario’s Toy. Now let's go.” his matter of fact response brokers no comeback. The car ride is silent as he works on his laptop and phone simultaneously. I spend the ride, rubbing the chain he gave me, looking out the window, trying to picture my life with him. “Are you ready sweet girl?” his hand prompts me to follow him. Grabbing a hold of it, exhaling because my hand being in his is the safety of the unknown.

I am not sure what I expected, but this is not it. It is literally a warehouse. Concrete walls, no windows, chains hanging from the ceiling and lots of closed doors. I shudder picturing what goes on behind those doors. Ahead of me, I see men sitting in chairs, somber and hyper aware. I also see men standing off to the side. Dario leads me to the big chair in the middle of the room. “Fellas.” he acknowledges them all before sitting and pulling me on his lap. It isn’t until I turn fully that I see Lola is also here, sitting off to the side on a couch. Though my eyes are down, I can feel all the eyes in this room boring into me, judging me, finding me lacking and unworthy of him. I don’t need to hear them say it. I know it.

“Never cower in front of anyone, my canary. These are your people now. Your subjects. Your new family. They will be your closest allies and your most loyal protectors.” he spreads his arms gesturing to the room full of people. “Do you know why, baby?'' I shake my head in his neck. “It’s simple because they are loyal to me and they know you are now my wealth. Now turn and meet your crew.” he lifts my chin and pulls my mouth to his. I open for him, welcoming his possession in this room full of men. It isn’t lost on me that his grip in my hair is tighter than ever and the ferocity of his kiss, I know is for the men. He is claiming me in front of them, letting them know...hands-off. “Now, let’s meet them.”

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic