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Georgie chuckles. “Is that your home now, babe?”

“Why would it not be? My tongue fits here perfectly.” I wrap an arm around her hips and lick the seam of her cunt. “My fingers fit here perfectly. My cock fits here perfectly. Where is this if not home?” I look up at her. “You are my home, Georgie. Wherever you are, that is where I want to be.”

Her expression grows soft. “I love you.”

Humans always say such things, as if speaking the words aloud somehow makes them more real than actions. “I love you too,” I say back, because I know she values hearing such things. For my Georgie, I can pleasure her body for hours, tend to her every need, and share my most secret thoughts with her…and yet she must still hear the words. It is something I am learning to say aloud, because I do not like the look of hurt on her face if I forget. “I love all of you.”

“But certain parts more than others?” she teases.

“No,” I say solemnly. “I love all of you equally. There is no part I would rather have than another.” I press another kiss to the tuft between her thighs. “Lie down so I may taste all of the parts of my mate that I love.”

She tugs her tunic over her head and lies back in the furs, her eyes shining. I love the sight of them, so bright with life, so bright with her khui. It is so different from my first sight of her, when her eyes were dead and without color. But she is strong with khui now, and my kit is rooted into her belly. We will have a family eventually. The thought is humbling.

I press a kiss to my mate’s soft belly first, where our kit awaits. “I love this,” I tell her. “So soft here.”

Georgie squirms under me, her hands going to my horns. She loves when I touch her all over, but she is always impatient, my mate. She wriggles underneath me like a hopper caught in a snare, and I move higher, because I want to see her teats jiggle. Even though she is not nursing a kit, they are large and full, and I love the sight of them.

“You are even softer here,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to one dark pink tip.

She sucks in a breath. “They’re getting sensitive.”

“They are?” I am fascinated. “Should I not touch them?”

“No, it’s okay,” she says, and then squirms again. “Just…sensitive.”

I lean in and lick the tip of one and she moans, arching. “Better?”

“Oh god, yeah.” A whimper escapes her and she clings to me. “I love you, Vektal.”

I growl low in my throat, utterly pleased to have her coming apart in my arms so quickly. Her arousal perfumes the air around us, and I drink in her scent, thick and sweet. It calls to me, and I lick her other teat before sinking between her thighs.

“I love your cunt,” I say, parting her lips and revealing her mysterious third nipple tucked in the folds. “I love the dew it creates, just for my mouth. I love how soft you are. I love your scent.” I lean in and rub my nose along her folds, teasing her nipple with the tip of my nose. “You are the only taste I need every day.”

She moans, arching her hips in anticipation. “Vektal,” she pants, holding onto my horns. “Make me come.”

“Soon,” I promise, and then tease my tongue up her folds. She whimpers, and I enjoy how she squirms. “First…tell me what troubles you.”

Georgie pants, her fists tight on my horns. “W-what?”

“I must know,” I say, lifting my head to meet her gaze. “There is something you are not sharing with me, and I will hear it before I make you come.”

Her eyes go wide. “Can we talk about that some other time? Later?” She pushes at my head, trying to make me lick her again.

Normally I would never refuse such a request. But my Georgie is keeping secrets from me, and I do not like that. It worries me. I need to hear from her lips that she is happy here, that she will not become one of the humans that weeps endlessly at her fate. So I just watch her, waiting.

“Vektal,” she says again, frowning at me. “There’s nothing wrong—”

I lean in and let my breath fan over her cunt, my fingers still holding her open for my tongue.

She moans, a shudder rocking through her. I can see more of her sweet dew forming, and my mouth waters to taste her again…but I must know her secret first.

“Tell me and I will make you come so hard you will scream, my sweet resonance,” I murmur, lowering my mouth again. I do not taste her, not yet. I simply wait.

Tags: Ruby Dixon Fantasy