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“Lower your arms and get down on your knees. Take down my shorts.”

Again she hesitated.

“Do it,” he murmured softly. “Do as you’re told.”

Slowly, gracefully, she lowered herself to the floor. Reaching for the elastic waistband of his bathing trunks, she dragged them past his hips and down his legs, letting them puddle on the floor.

He kicked them away and then tore open the condom wrapper with his teeth. He held out the pre-lubricated disk.

Swallowing visibly, Lainey took it with a trembling hand. His cock was fully erect, a drop of pre-come visible on its tip. Hands still shaking, she managed to get the condom in place.

Taking pity on her, he lifted her gently to her feet and wrapped his arms around her. “Calm down, sweetheart. You’re doing so well,” he murmured into her ear. “I know this is scary for you. Letting go is scary. But it’s what you want—what we both crave. If I’m wrong—if I’m totally off-base and just being a bully, tell me that now and I’ll back off. We can still make love. God knows, I want you maybe more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. But it’s got to be consensual. It’s got to work for both of us or it won’t work at all.”

Her trembling eased as he held her. Now, she pulled gently from his embrace. There was a determined look on her face, but the belligerent defiance was gone. Without saying anything, she lay down on the bed on her back and spread her strong, beautiful legs.

“Please, Sir,” she said in a low but sure voice. “Please fuck me.”


Lainey waited breathlessly for him to react. She felt both more vulnerable and more powerful than she ever had in her life, though she didn’t understand how she could be feeling both things at once.

Her head rejected his bossing her around like she was some kind of sex slave. But her body and her soul—the deepest part of her soul—opened to his dominance like a cactus flower suddenly blooming after a desert storm.

He stared down at her with burning eyes, his sheathed cock held lightly in one hand. It was a beautiful cock—long and thick, flushed dark with engorged blood above heavy balls. He was so powerfully built, but still graceful in his movements, without a trace of self-consciousness.

He lowered himself slowly over her. She lifted her hips, longing to feel him inside her. Reaching down, he guided his cock carefully into her, moving slowly to allow her to accommodate his girth.

She groaned with uncontrolled lust as he fully entered her. She nearly climaxed with the first powerful thrust. She dug her fingers into his back as he moved over her. He slid his hands under her ass, penetrating deeply inside her. His pubic bone was perfectly positioned against her clit and the pleasure was nearly unbearable.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh,” she heard someone chanting, and then realized it was she. It was happening so fast—too fast—but she was powerless to resist.

“Oh, god,” she cried. “I’m going to come!”

“Do it,” he growled. “Come for me.”

Come for me.

Those masterful words sent her careening headlong into a powerful climax. Almost immediately, Cooper stiffened as he emitted a strangled cry. He gripped her tightly as he came, heat radiating from his body as if he had a high fever. He shuddered for several seconds, his movements pulling several aftershocks of spasmodic pleasure from her body.

Then they lay still, silent save for their labored breathing. Blood still beat heavily in her ears, echoing the fading pulse between her legs.

“Holy moly,” Lainey whispered, awestruck at what had just happened.

Cooper lifted himself on his elbows and looked down at her, his eyebrows raised. “Holy moly?” he repeated, grinning. “That’s all you can say?”

“Holy moly, Sir,” she retorted with a laugh.

Chapter 11

“I’ll race you to that buoy marker. On your mark, get set, go!”

Before Cooper even had a chance to process what she’d just said, Lainey, sleek as an otter, dove gracefully into a wave and disappeared beneath the water. A moment later, laughing, Cooper dove in after her.

They had decided to go down to the shore to relax and regroup after the intensity of the morning. Cooper wouldn’t have minded staying in. He had been content to hold Lainey’s sweet, warm body against his and stroke her soft hair as they basked in their post-coital afterglow.

After a while, his hand had strayed to the mounds of her soft breasts. He had toyed with her nipples, drawing circles around them without directly touching them until they had engorged and rounded like fat berries. Unable to resist, he captured one perfect nipple between thumb and forefinger and twisted, lightly at first, and then harder.

She had winced, sucking in a breath. He could feel her heart beating fast beneath his hand. Her lips were parted, her body language whispering, “Yes. I want this. I need it.”

Tags: Claire Thompson Desire Island Erotic