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“She’s my everything,” I countered.

Alek came my way, his power filling the room, but I knew he wouldn’t compel me or take over my mind. No, he was readying himself to unleash it on our enemies. His hand gripped my shoulder. “You will forgive her, my friend. If not for her sake, then for mine.”

I looked at Lyric as the first tear slid down her cheek. Logically, I knew she’d done what Valor had asked. She’d simply distracted the others for long enough for a head start that made sense when faced with a this-will-protect-them argument. But logic had flown out the window the second my mate had chained me to the bed.

“Lachlan,” Alek prompted as I heard Ransom barking orders to the soldiers who waited outside for my command.

“Only if Valor lives.”

Lyric’s eyes slid shut, but I was out the door before any other response could come. In seconds, I was in the courtyard, facing forty of my finest soldiers, broken down into their ten-man squads. At the front of each line was the vampire I’d handpicked to lead the men behind them.

The bond struggled, fading even more, and I realized it wasn’t because I’d been chained with iron…it was because Valor was now behind iron-enforced walls.

“You will kill any man who raises a weapon at you,” I ordered the men, who had already been briefed on tonight’s mission. “But only subdue the women if possible. There are four of our own within those walls, and one wrong move gets them killed. Do you understand?”

“Sir, yes, sir!” they called out.

I looked over my king and pushed past the icy fear that gripped my heart. Anything could have happened to her in the last thirty minutes, but she had to be alive. The bond was faint but still there. She was alive. But was Olivia? Avianna? “Let’s go.”

Ransom raced from the other end of the courtyard, waving his phone.

“What now?” Alek asked.

“It’s the secondary school,” he said quietly so only the Order could hear him. Some of the men behind us had younglings in that school.

“What about it?” I was losing patience.

“It’s under attack. The teachers just raised the alarm.” His gaze jumped between Alek and me.

“Who the fuck attacks children?” Alek seethed.

My mind processed all the possibilities, weighing and measuring each scenario. Then I nodded. “Okay. Alek and Benedict, you take half the men and go. We can still accomplish our goal with our half and Xavier. Go now.”

Alek’s jaw ticked, but he nodded before clamping down on my shoulders. “Save them.”

I nodded, and he took off, already shouting orders. “Hawke, you’re—”

“With you,” he answered, rolling his shoulders. “Just try and send me with Alek. I dare you.”

My eyebrows shot up. “I was going to say that you and Ransom are with me.”

“Excellent choice.”

Within minutes, we wended.



“Ready or not, here I come!” Kyle called from down the long corridor of our father’s most recent purchase. He lived to collect old buildings.

I tucked myself tighter into the small closet, trying to will myself to become invisible. This time, I’d win. I was sure of it.

Footsteps echoed down the hall, and I held my breath as the sounds paused just outside the door.

“Come out, come out wherever you are,” Kyle cooed, and it took everything in me not to giggle when he did that.

The footsteps resumed, his sneakers squeaking against the freshly polished floors. Father had a massive team doing renovations to the place. Something about needing a new building for more research projects. I didn’t mind at all because it was in an entirely different part of the city, one we’d never been allowed to visit before. I loved seeing new places. So did mom, but she wasn’t here today. Father had sent her on some search for a new desk or something.

I released the breath I’d been holding, Kyle’s footsteps now silent. Likely he’d turned at the end of the hall to search the countless rooms that rested on either side. Most were filled with wooden crates or old furniture draped in dust-covered sheets. I had thought about hiding there but I thought it was too obvious—

The door jerked open, casting my dark closet in gobs of light that stung my eyes.

“Gotcha!” Kyle reached into the closet and hauled me out so fast I screamed.

He laughed so hard he threw his head back.

I stomped my foot, then kicked him in the shin.

“Not fair,” I whined.

He shook his head, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “You should be used to it by now, little sister. I’m always going to be able to find you.”

I blew out a frustrated breath, disappointment curling in my stomach. “I thought I had you that time.”

“Keep trying,” he said, walking me down the hall. “You’ll get better.” He flashed me a smile. “Let’s go raid the catering truck Dad brought in.”

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Onyx Assassins Fantasy