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He blinked rapidly and stepped back, his eyes flashing gold. “I meant no offense. Please forgive me.”

I nodded and led Valor toward the southern stairs, checking to see that they were truly empty before tugging her through the doorway.

“What the hell was that about?” she asked, slipping her hand from mine in favor of the railing.

“He wanted to live through the night,” I answered simply as we climbed side by side.

“Because you were going to kill him for what? Looking at me? Please.” She rolled her eyes.

I took in the fitted bodice of her dress and the asymmetrical hem that reached her knees in the back, but rose high in the front to showcase a pair of shorts. Fuck, her legs looked incredible in those heels, and her hair was up, leaving that delicious neck bare for my bite—


“Yes. There’s a chance I would kill him for looking at you,” I admitted quietly as we turned the corner to ascend the next flight.

“Even you aren’t that barbaric.”

We reached the heavy, wooden door that led to the terrace, and I spun her quickly, pinning her against the structure. “I am,” I growled, splaying my hands over her wrists above her head.

“Lachlan,” she whispered, but it wasn’t in fear. The sweet scent of her arousal filled my head.

“I am not a man, Valor. Do not fool yourself. Sure, we’re civilized to a point, but when it comes down to it, vampires are predators and the Order? We’re the apex. There is nothing in this world more dangerous than a mated vampire except a male who hasn’t claimed his mate. Would I intentionally kill Javier? No. Could it happen before I managed to stop myself? Absolutely.”

Her breasts rose and fell against my chest quickly, but she held my gaze. “I trust you.”

A wry smile twisted my lips. “You’re the only person in the world I wouldn’t harm, Valor. Everyone else is fair game, especially until we get far enough away from each other for the intensity of the bond to fade.” I dropped her wrists and stepped back, giving her room to move away from the door.

“Just the intensity?” Her forehead puckered. “The whole thing will vanish after it gets the hint that we’re not acting on it, right?”

“I wish.” I gripped the door handle and put myself between Valor and whatever was on the other side. “It will never entirely fade. There will always be a pull…a need between us.”

Her jaw dropped, and her breath rushed out.

“Let’s go,” I said, pulling the door open a fraction and nodding to Julie, who had immediately pulled a nine-millimeter on me. “Good to see you, Jules.”

“Lachlan.” The demon smiled, revealing even, white teeth. “Coast is clear.”

I led Valor onto the open-air terrace that wrapped around the southern half of the opera house. The lights had already been dimmed with the exception of the buffet tables in the distance. Good.

“Thanks. We’re looking for a teenager. Strawberry blonde hair, pale green eyes.” My eyes adjusted to the dark, but there were only a few humans within eyesight, given that the terrace curved with the circular building.

“I’ve been stationed at the door all night.” She glanced down my frame, her eyebrows rising in appreciation. “Looking good.”

Valor inserted herself between us and cocked her head to the side as she thrust her hand forward. “Hi. I’m Valor, his mate. Nice to meet you, Julie.”

Julie shook Valor’s hand and nodded slowly, pressing her lips together, but managing not to laugh. “So, I see. Have a good time, you two.”

Valor flashed a smile at me and held out her hands. “Shall we?”

“Now who’s getting territorial?” I challenged with a laugh, bringing her to the edge of the terrace, where the light was lowest.

What would she look like with fangs? Don’t even go there. Valor hated vampires. There was no way in hell she’d consider becoming one.

Not that I wanted her to.

But the thought of her aging…dying…that was a blow to the chest.

“She was looking at you like dessert,” she muttered as we slowly made our way down the railing. The crowd thickened, and I used my body to shield Valor from view. She was too recognizable for comfort, and the minute someone called her name, the plan was done for. “Is she…the brunette you mentioned?”

“Jules?” I paused, turning so she could see to either side, but I kept her sheltered from the majority of the party. “No. I use a few humans to feed. Sisters.”

Valor’s eyes narrowed.

“And before you ask, no, I don’t fuck them.” I scanned the area slowly, looking for anyone who matched Daphne’s description. The fireworks would start at any moment, and then at least the humans would be distracted by the pretty explosions so we could get a better look at them.

“You don’t?” Valor leaned back against the railing and peered down the line, her tone going for causal, but there was a tension there, too.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Onyx Assassins Fantasy