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I had yet to meet the lycans or the witches, and I sure as hell didn’t want to come across another demon anytime soon. But as the new vampire queen, I would be expected to address them all at some point.

My mind whirled at all the new customs I’d studied alongside my research for my thesis. I’d put the finishing touches on it just yesterday, and I was beyond happy with it. I had full confidence it would earn me my doctorate and quite possibly fuel the pages for the novel I hoped to write. But, with everything I’d had to learn about my new world, I’d been lucky I hadn’t switched my thesis research to vampire customs and laws of the modern world.

One thing at a time. Tonight, I’d wrap up one piece of my human life and be able to walk head high into the future…

A sinking weight hit my chest. The one thing capable of robbing my joy. Alek’s constant refusal to attempt to turn me. There were far more advantages of turning me than there were risks, in my opinion. One, I’d get to spend an eternity with my mate. Two, I’d be stronger, more capable of defending myself in case the demons came knocking again—which my gut told me they would. It may have been humans that attacked the Witch princess, but I had this undeniable sense that it was all connected. And three, I’d step into the vampire queen role with an actual understanding of what their life was like on a daily basis. Sure, there was the tiny risk I might not survive the transition, but wasn’t it worth a try?

Alek didn’t think so. Not when my life was at stake. He’d rather have me for whatever time he could than risk ending it too soon. Which, okay, sure, was totally romantic, and I loved the stubborn ass for it, but I felt it in my bones. I was meant to be with him for far longer than the span of a human life.

I grazed my fingers over my skin, imagining they were his. God, why did he have to be in the war room right this second? The need in me intensified every second, ratcheting up so much I had half a mind to slip on a robe and race across the estate—

“Do you know how hard it is to concentrate,” Alek’s voice sounded behind me, and I spun around. “When you’re touching yourself like that?”

My lips parted open on a gasp. He’d wended inside the shower, fully, gorgeously naked. Beads of water rolled over his skin, curving with each hard line of his muscles. Those blue-gray eyes blazed as they took in every inch of my body.

I tipped my chin up, holding my position an arm’s length away despite every cell in my body screaming to span the distance between us. “I thought you were getting better about tuning out my…emotions,” I said. I definitely didn’t want to distract him during work, and we’d both practiced dulling those intricate transmitters our mating bond naturally emitted to each other. It was no easy feat, but necessary. I couldn’t have Alek getting distracted while he and his Assassins were out dispensing justice. Just the mere thought that I might put his life at risk was enough to make a shiver race down my spine.

“Oh, I am,” he said and took one step closer to me. I nearly whimpered at the nearness. “But Lachlan was droning on about rumors of an old enemy resurfacing. No hard proof. Sounded like he was reaching. So my mind wandered for half a second, and what should I find you doing?” He smirked, reaching out a finger and trailing the tip along my bare arm.

I trembled under that innocent touch, my heart racing. “Shame, shame,” I teased, my voice breathless. “Tuning out your best friend like that.” He stepped closer, only an inch of space left between us. My eyes trailed down, and my lips parted open at the sight of him—hard and stunning for me. “Poor Lachlan probably got his feelings hurt,” I said, flickering my gaze back up to his eyes.

A low, warning growl rumbled from his chest. His hand darted up faster than my eyes could follow and gently clutched around my neck. Heat licked up my spine as he pushed me back and back until my spine kissed the warm stone wall.

“Don’t,” he warned, lowering his lips to my mouth. “Ever.” His fangs descended in a flash, and anticipation flooded my blood. “Say another man’s name when you’re naked and dripping wet.”

Challenge radiated from my eyes as I glanced from his face to the hand still wrapped around my throat. Power ebbed from every inch of him, buzzing my skin like a flicker of electricity. One move. One squeeze. And I’d be gone.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Onyx Assassins Fantasy