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Xavier was already in his, lounged indulgently with one leg hooked over the arm, and a brunette in his lap. His dark gaze settled on me and a lazy grin spread over his face. “So good to see you, Alek.” He didn’t bother removing his hand from the thigh of his guest.

Xavier was the Demon King, and as the highest caste of demon, appeared entirely human. No one could ever mistake him for one, though. There was an element of darkness and night that clung to his skin, marking him as a dangerous predator.

“Xavier.” I nodded, taking my own chair across from his. The other three were reserved for the Witch Queen, the Lycan Alpha, and the President of the Human Consortium, remained empty. This wasn’t a Conclave matter…yet.

“This one isn’t your type,” he trailed another hand down the woman’s arm. “I know demon blood doesn’t settle in your stomach well, but Micah can send out for a human if you’d like to snack while we talk.” He motioned toward his second, a heavily muscled demon, who stood just behind and to the side of his chair, as Hawke stood at mine.

“I’m good.” I leaned forward, bracing my elbows on my armrests. “Send her out.”

Xavier sighed and sent his hand higher up her thigh. She gasped, her eyes flashing yellow for a second.

“One of your demons tried to kill my sister two nights ago.” My lip curled, revealing my fangs and my intentions.

He startled, his eyes flaring with surprise for the less than a heartbeat before he schooled his expression again. It was the most genuine emotion I’d seen on the guy in all four hundred years I’d known him. “Is that so? Sorry, gorgeous, we’ll have to finish this later.”

The woman uncurled herself from his lap and walked out of the chamber, shutting the doors behind her.

“That is a heavy accusation you lay at my feet, Alekxander.” He sat upright, poised for a fight.

“It’s the truth.” I laid out the facts for him, from the appearance of his demons, to the attack on Avianna and her bodyguard, including the ones we’d disposed of.

“Is that the present you so kindly sent my way?” He lifted a brow.

“That was one of the attackers. He came back last night to finish the job and take out the only witness.”

“Your sister?” Was that concern in his voice?

“A human. Benedict questioned her earlier and found her truthful.” Benedict’s skills were widely known and feared in our world. It’s why he was always at my side in a Covenant meeting.

Xavier’s attention flickered toward Benedict, then Hawke before returning to mine. “Your sister was in Demon territory?”

“Is that your excuse?” My voice lowered.

“I wouldn’t have your sister killed, Alek. From what I’ve heard, she’s the most beautiful of your species, and you know how I enjoy a beautiful woman.” He smirked.

Hawke moved at speed, his arm a blur of movement to the human eye as he threw a dagger at Xavier, lodging it in the wood, inches from his head.

Xavier yawned. “Nice to see your aim is shitty as ever, Hawthorne.”

“It’s exactly where I intended it to be,” Hawke snapped. “Threaten the royal family again, and the next one goes between your eyes.” The tension rose to breakable levels.

I lifted my hand, and Hawke stepped back.

“Whether or not you were responsible for the attack, it happened. It was purposeful. They knew who she was. Your house is dirty, Xavier, and as much as it pains me to admit, so is mine. There’s something bigger going on here.”

His gaze narrowed in shrewd assessment. He might have been a hedonist ass, but there was no better tactician in the immortal world, even Lachlan. While vampires were the Assassins, the justice, demons were the soldiers. “I will question the lower castes, but I assure you, I have heard of no plot. Nor would I allow one to take place. I have no wish to overturn the Covenant.”

I nodded, knowing that if he’d lied, Benedict would have signaled.

“Excellent.” I stood.

“The human described the demon in detail?” he asked.

“She described him perfectly.” There was no doubting Lyric’s integrity.

Something sparked in his eyes. “You’ve found yourself a Seer. I’ll accept her delivery at sunset.”

I stiffened. Oh, shit. Why hadn’t I thought of that? “Impossible. They’re all wiped out.” Demons had slain every seer and their bloodlines even before the Revolution. Before the Covenant.

“He’s not lying,” Benedict murmured.

“By law, her life belongs to me.” Xavier crossed one leg over the other. “Or are you going to be the one who breaks Covenant?”

He’d kill her. Fuck that.

I wanted to bear my fangs and draw my weapon. Instead, I simply shook my head. “I’m the King of the ancients. I sit at the head of this Conclave. An attack on the royal family of any species is grave, but an attack on ours is the same as treason. I will decide whose life is forfeit, and hers is not.” I turned my back on him, knowing Hawke and Benedict would slaughter him if he moved against me. Then I walked out of the Conclave chamber and into the cool, stone-lined tunnel that served as our entrance.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Onyx Assassins Fantasy