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“Now what?”

“Now we practice. Take the dart and chuck it at the board. The closer you get to the bullseye which is the middle red circle, the better score you’ll have.”

“Okay.” Holding the dart like a pencil, I raised my hand and threw it in the direction of the board. It wasn’t even close to hitting a number, my dart bounced off the rim and fell to the floor.

“That was pathetic. Were you even trying?”

“Hey! That’s not very encouraging.”

“You’re right. Where are my manners? Let me help.” He quickly stepped behind me and molded his body to mine.

“That better be your cellphone that is digging into my ass, Cain.”

“Mi, you can call it whatever you want.”


“All right, all right, I’m joking. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” With his right hand, he grabbed mine that was now holding the second dart while the other hand gripped onto my hip. “You need to be one with the dart, Mila. Do you feel that?”

“I don’t know, I thought it was your cellphone but now I’m not so sure.”

He chuckled, “You need to loosen up. You’re too stiff. You’re playing a game of darts, not about to be fucked in the ass. Relax.”

“I’m relaxed.”

“This is your relaxed?”

I shook it out, wiggling my body.

“Do that again, except this time squirm a little to the left.”


“I love it when you scream my name.”

I giggled.

This idiot!

“We’re going to do this together. You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

In one fluid motion, he rocked his hips into my ass and shot the dart straight into the bullseye.

“Ahhh!” I shrieked in excitement.

“We make a good team.”

“We did it!” I instantly turned around and jumped into his arms. Cain didn’t hesitate, lifting me up off the ground.

“That’s my girl.”

“Your girl?”

I froze, recognizing that voice.

“Last time I checked, she was mine.”

My heart dropped to the floor.

Leo. Was. Here.

And I was in Cain’s arms.

Chapter 14


She slid down Cain’s chest.

What the fuck?

“Bro,” Ashton chimed in, trying to cut the sudden tension in the room with a joke. We’d all just walked in. “Why are you so selfish? If Mi is handing out hugs, then I would like to take one too.” He extended out his arms. “Come to daddy, baby.”

“Is this why you texted me?” I asked, ignoring Ashton and looking at Cain.

“Of course. We’re fucking celebrating, man! We aced our paper.”


Everyone’s attention drifted from me and Cain to Ashton and Mila.

Ashton pulled her into his chest. “I’m so proud.”

I scoffed out a chuckle. This dumbass always had a way of making me laugh. If there was one thing Ashton was good for, it was his comedic relief in moments we needed them the most. Women loved how he made them laugh with all his stupid antics.

Bringing my gaze back to him, Cain handed me a shot. “Take a load off, Leo. I was just teaching Mila how to play darts. I can’t believe you’ve never taught her.”

“She’s more of a ping pong kind of girl.”

“Hence, why I’m teaching her.”

Ashton let go of Mila and she walked right over to me. “You’re up,” she announced, handing me a dart.

“I kick Cain’s ass at this game all the time. I highly doubt he taught you anything useful.”

“Fuck you, needle dick.” Cain rolled his eyes.

Mila smiled, only staring at me. Trying to lighten the mood between us.

I grinned, giving in. I could never stay mad at her. Shit, I couldn’t stay mad at Cain either. There was a reason they were both my best friends.

Ashton called the waitress over and for the next two hours, we all hung out like old times. As if nothing was changing, when soon, everything would.

Drinking my sixth shot of the night, I came up behind Mila, who was next on the game of pool we were playing. “How many times have I told you that you need to lean into the table like this?”

“You just want my ass against your body.”

“It is a nice ass.”

“I know.”

“You guys do realize that this might be one of the last times we’re together for a while, right?”

Our eyes shifted to Sawyer, he was sitting on a barstool waiting for his turn.

“I’m going to medical school, Ashton is… who the fuck knows what he’s doing, least of all him.”

“I know what I’m doing with my life, jackass.”

“And what is that?”

“Real estate. I want to be an agent.”

“Where did that come from?”

“I’m a finance major and I’m a people person, I could sell sex to a nun.”

“On that note, I’ll continue on. We all know Leo is going to become a workaholic like his old man, and then we have Cain here.” Sawyer put his arm around Cain’s shoulders. “He’s moving to St. Thomas and leaving us.”

“Bro, don’t be such a downer. You guys can come visit anytime you want. I’ll even try not to fuck all the girls on the island before you visit.” He smiled at Mila. “Not to mention, you’ll have two people to visit when you come down.”

Tags: M. Robinson Playboy Pact Romance