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That’d break Beck’s number one rule.

Don’t turn anyone into a vampire no matter what.

I pounce on her, eager to kiss her pretty mouth. Her cunt squeezes my dick in a vicious way that has me losing myself to my animal urges to take and own. I fuck her like she might disappear. Hard. Claiming. Nearly violent.

She pulls away from our kiss, turning her head to the side to offer her pretty neck. I don’t think twice. I simply bare my fangs and pierce her flesh. Intoxicating blood surges from the puncture wounds into my mouth, feeding the feral beast inside me. I suck in a long pull with each hard thrust into her. Her moans are addictive. With each gulp of her heavenly blood, I feel as though our bond strengthens and grows unbreakable. It isn’t until she comes with a yelp that I manage to break away from her neck. Blood runs from the wounds and I quickly lick it until it heals. She murmurs my name as she digs her nails into my shoulders. I come with a savage roar, filling her with my seed. I’m too starved for her in every way to pull away. Instead, I hug her tight and nuzzle my nose in her hair. I like having her impaled on my cock and trapped beneath me where she belongs.

Eventually, I pull out of her, but don’t let her go out of my arms. Dawn will be upon us soon and I’ll need to be in the safety of Beck’s home when that happens. Until then, I listen to her whispers as she tells me every horrible thing that’s happened to her since I locked her in that trunk.

By the time I have to teleport back to Beck’s, I’m ready to set fire to the entire damn world.

She’s mine now and anyone who’s wronged her will pay.

I’ll make sure of it.


She’s worse.

Just like Beck said she would be.

Still, I’m afraid of what he’ll do.

“I have her scheduled for another transfusion next week,” Dr. Brown says. “But…”

“But what?” I demand, tears threatening.

“We should talk about what the future looks like after that if this doesn’t work.”

Something in his resigned gaze has me sick to my stomach. I can’t do this. I can’t watch my child die.

“Would it help if I found her father? Could his blood help?” I ask, my voice weak with emotion.

“Her body attacks everything we put in it. You’d think it would mean she’s strong, but in reality, it leaves her weak. There are some other options, clinical trials, but there’s just not enough data to be sure.”

“The transfusion will work,” I state, my voice strong with conviction.

“I hope so,” Dr. Brown replies, his eyes unable to meet mine.

It’s not going to work.

I suddenly feel that in my bones.

“Can we eat lunch with Uncle Jude?” Mercy asks, clearly not aware of the conversation between me and her doctor.

“I think that’s a great idea,” I say, forcing a smile. “Dr. Brown. We’ll talk soon.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Rye. I really am.”

“Me too.”

“How is the Zargonian case coming along?” Jude asks as he drives through traffic, back toward my apartment building.

I glance into the back seat to check on Mercy, but she’s fast asleep. After her checkup and lunch with Jude, she’s worn out. Her skin is pale and it breaks my heart to watch her weaken each day.

“We seem to be one step behind them. I need to get ahead of them,” I say with a sigh.

“The vampires you’re working with are being compliant.”

I give him a clipped nod.

“Oh no,” he grumbles.

“What?” I demand, frowning his way.

Someone honks and he begins driving again.

“That face. It means something has happened. Something maybe you don’t like or something you don’t want to tell me.”

“Could it be both?”

“Are you in danger? Have they hurt you?” he demands.

“No.” I rub at my temple. “It’s just…I can’t kill him, Jude. I can’t kill Laurent.”

He nods as though he understands, which is impossible. “Not all vampires are enemies. I know we slay vampiric influence, but sometimes there’s a gray area that we have to play in.”

“Like Loey?”

“And others,” he agrees. “Beck and Laurent.”

“What if I’m not cut out for this job anymore?” I croak. “What if I get myself killed because I can’t see the danger right in front of my face?”

“You’ve been incredibly intuitive since the first day I met you. That insight doesn’t disappear, Casti.”

“I want to trust Beck and Laurent.” My eyes burn with tears. “I need to trust them.”

“Then do it,” he says. “If they betray that trust, send them each into the afterlife with a ruby stake through their hearts.”

We both laugh at his words. He pulls up in front of my building and parks. I’m thankful he’s here to carry my sleeping daughter upstairs. Once he gets her settled in bed, he gives me a hug, kissing the top of my head, and then leaves.

Tags: K. Webster Vampires