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Ricardo cocks his head, eyeing up Beck. “And you know this, how?”


“You’re like twelve,” Ricardo grumbles.

“I’m old where it counts,” Beck states. “A seventeen-year-old body means nothing to me except what I was forced to be in for eternity. My experience and knowledge outmatch yours.”

“We want the same thing,” I tell Ricardo, approaching slowly. “We can compare notes.”

An arm encircles my waist and I’m pulled against Laurent’s chest. I’m shocked by the claiming move.

“Start talking,” Ricardo says, his hold steady on the vampire that fights him to no avail.

“The twins we’re looking for are infected with the blood plague. As soon as we find them, we can deal with them and this problem goes away,” Beck says to Ricardo.

“But what about the ones they’ve infected?” Ricardo demands. “If it’s a plague, it’s only a matter of time before everyone’s got it.”

“I’ve been following this problem,” Beck tells him, “and because of their royal blood line, they’re the carriers. All they can do is infect others, but those infected can’t continue the infection. If we deal with the source, the problem will be eliminated.”

“You’re gonna kill ’em, slayer?” Ricardo asks, smirking.

“The infected ones, sure,” I reply, “but the twins are going home.”

“Interesting.” Ricardo releases the feral vampire. “Do what you do, slayer.”

On instinct, I shove Laurent away while withdrawing my stakes. Since I’m the only blood pumping body here, the vampire charges my way. The red lightning crackles to life as I swing at the approaching psychopath. My stake drives through its heart, a perfect hit.

It screeches as it falls to the ground. Flames light up the dark alley. The vampire screams until all that can be heard is the popping of its flesh as it burns.

“That will always be disturbing as fuck,” Ricardo mutters. “So what now?”

“Don’t be a stranger and contact me if you hear anything on the twins.”

Ricardo stalks away without another word, leaving us in silence. I peek over at Laurent, catching him staring intently at me. He looks away and it makes my heart crack down the middle.

“You and Mercy need to come by my home soon,” Beck says, snapping me from my thoughts.

“Why?” I frown at him.

“Her condition worsens each day. I know you haven’t fulfilled your obligation to me yet, but you’ll just be in debt.”

Laurent’s jaw clenches, like he wants to approach me, but he remains still.

“I’ll think about it,” I murmur. I’m not completely sure I trust a vampire to heal my child, but I’m running out of options. The transfusions aren’t working like they should.

“You won’t have to think too hard,” Beck warns. “When it’s time, you’ll know.”


One Week Later…

Each night we hunt for Weston and Wynona. All we find is a trail of infected vampires that have to be put down. I’m in awe of Castilla. She’s a force of nature. Small, but powerful. The way she wields the ruby stakes is something my mother would have been proud of.

It was supposed to be me.

I’d been given the stakes when she died. Taught how to slay the evil of our world. Sad fact was, I didn’t want to. I wanted to play my guitar and sing. A lover, not a fighter. Mom would roll over in her grave had she known what a pussy I grew up to be. I kept my heirlooms but never used them until Weston and Wynona arrived. I’d forced Castilla into that box, never considering the fact she’d be trapped there or could have died. And, rather than using the ruby stakes on those two beasts, I froze. Watched in sick horror as they slaughtered my wife and baby boy. I’d wanted to die after that. I felt like I deserved it for being unable to protect them.

My only thought as I’d transitioned from human to blood-thirsty beast was that I did manage to save sweet Castilla.

But then my thoughts were ravenous.

I wanted to break apart the trunk and feed on her pure blood that beckoned to me. Had I not locked her away, I would’ve done just that. They’d all be dead.

“See you around,” Castilla says, stopping in front of the door at her apartment. “There’s always tomorrow.”

“Wait,” I murmur, unable to stop from reaching out and touching her wrist. “I need to apologize.”

Her brow lifts and her lips part. “For what?”

“For what happened last week.” I wince at the memory despite my mouth watering. “When I lost control. When I bit you.”

She steps closer, her head tilting up. “You’re blaming yourself for something you can’t control.”

“I can control it,” I argue. “At least, I think I can. I just…you tasted…” I run my fingers through my hair, shooting her a pained expression. “I just wanted you. All of you.”

“I’m going to go get Mercy from next door and tuck her into bed. Want to come by in a bit and talk?”

Tags: K. Webster Vampires