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“I will be in your debt, darling,” Beck says. “I always pay my debts.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to make him agree to kill Laurent once it’s done as debt repayment, but one look at his intense features boring into me, and I know I can’t ask that. Not right now when I’m tired and stressed. One day, I’ll kill Laurent, but I’m not about to negotiate that into my deal with Beck.

“You healed Laurent,” I say, frowning. “Why don’t you just heal them too?”

“Laurent is still but a young vampire and he was born a human. His blood was much easier to cleanse. The twins are of fae descent, which requires more than I can give them.”

They deserve to die. In this realm—the one they stole so much from.

“Mommy?” a sweet voice says from the doorway.

I nearly choke on my tongue. “Baby, go back to sleep.”

She shakily steps forward and sways. Laurent, in a flash, scoops her in his arms. It all happens so quickly. Before I can stop him, he’s brought my daughter to Beck, lowering her into his arms.

“What are you doing?” I screech, storming over to them. “Let her go.”

“She won’t remember this,” Beck assures me. “Hello, sweet cherub.”

“Hello,” Mercy says, her voice soft and faraway. “Are you an angel?”

“No, Miss Mercy, I am not.” Beck grins at her, his fangs bared. “But you are.”

Mercy giggles and touches his pointy fang. I launch myself at him, but Laurent is suddenly behind me, locking me in his strong arms.

“Please don’t,” I beg. “You promised.”

“Ouch,” Mercy murmurs, a rivulet of blood running down her finger.

Beck licks the wound closed and then he smiles at her. “All better, darling.”

She curls into him, falling back asleep. My heart is hammering in my chest and I realize hot tears have been running down my cheeks.

“You bastard,” I choke out.

“She is very ill. I can taste it in her blood.” His brows furrow as he studies my sleeping child. “Her blood is tainted.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I snap at him. “Laurent, let me go.”

Laurent’s palm finds my jaw and he angles my head to one side, running his nose along the column of my throat.

“Careful,” Beck warns. “You’re still young, Laurent.”

Despite having been a vampire for years, it’s clear that Beck only recently taught Laurent how to feed properly and control his urges.

“I’m not going to bite her,” Laurent growls, his lips against my flesh. “You’re safe with me, Castilla. I made a vow to you.”

His words warm me and I hate that. I hate what he’s become. I hate the terror I felt when he desperately tried to get into the trunk he forced me into not long after he turned.

I realize I’ve long stopped fighting him and am jelly in his grip. He’s holding me upright, his strong arm under my breasts keeping me pressed against his firm body.

“Do you hear the music?” he murmurs against my ear, making me shiver. “The strong cadence of your heart beating? Such a lovely sound.”

I’m unable to speak, but I give him a nod. I feel as though I’m under some sort of spell. I was glamoured in training but never in a real life case. It makes me wonder if that’s what is happening. Am I being made to be compliant?

An insistent tongue lashes against my skin, teasing over my carotid artery. I whimper because despite the fear coursing through me, it feels good. I like his tongue on me, which is all kinds of messed up. He suckles the flesh, making me gasp.

“Laurent,” Beck rumbles, his tone a warning. “You’re asking for trouble.”

“She tastes divine,” Laurent replies, his teeth nipping at the flesh but not drawing blood. “I want to drink from her and put my cock inside her.”

A moan tumbles from me. His erection is pressed against my backside and I can’t help but rub against it. I’m dizzied by his touch and his mouth.

“I’m going to fuck this beautiful creature,” Laurent murmurs, his hands roaming down my front to cup my aching pussy. “Claim her as mine.”

Beck sighs. “You’ve mastered glamouring. Time to release her, lad.”

“No,” Laurent growls, rubbing at my clit over my leather pants. “She’s mine.”

“If I have to get up off this sofa to come physically restrain you, I will. I’m stronger and older. Don’t test my patience.” Beck pauses. “Now, Laurent.”

He releases me with a snarl and I collapse to the floor. My mind feels foggy and confused. Everything still pulsates and throbs with need.

Beck slides Mercy over onto the couch and she doesn’t wake. He stands and then assists me to my feet. “I can help your child.”

I sober up quickly. “What? How?”

“Trust me. I can help her, but I need your help. Do we have a deal, darling?”

I’d do anything to help my daughter.

Tags: K. Webster Vampires