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Marcie sat next to Mark, and patted the rug on her opposite side. “Come, Jen!”

Jennifer sat down, scanning for Bobby, and silently scolding herself for the disappointment curling in her stomach at his disappearance. Had he left? And why? Why did she care? Because she wanted that orgasm he’d almost given her, she declared in her mind, refusing to allow any other answer to be considered.

As if Bobby sensed her feelings, he appeared directly across from her, behind Scott Wright, a neighbor down the road, who was already seated. Jennifer’s heart charged into action as Bobby bent down and whispered to Scott. A second later, Scott got up and Bobby claimed his seat.

Bobby arched a brow at Jennifer, letting her know he was ready for round two of “sex as a weapon.” Jennifer couldn’t move, the sound around her fading, the tension, wholly sexual, snapping between her and Bobby like a rubber band. Everything inside Jennifer melted like chocolate in the hot sun. She was the chocolate and he was the hot sun, when the opposite had been her plan.

Marcie elbowed Jennifer, none too subtly. “It’s Bobby,” she whispered. “Did you see Bobby?”

Jennifer cringed. Bobby looked amused, his eyes twinkling with mischief, the corners of his lips hinting at a smile. His really sexy lips, the ones that had been on hers only a short while back. Her nipples tightened, ached, her breasts growing heavy. Okay, those lips had been on a whole lot more than her mouth.

Marcie rang a bell. Where had she gotten a bell? And a loud one, ringing near Jennifer’s ear. Jennifer reached for it and silently vowed to pour the rest of that chocolate mousse over the head of whoever gave it to her. “Give me that,” Jennifer ordered.

“I need it,” Marcie said. Mark tugged Marcie close to him and took the bell.

“Thank you, Mark,” Jennifer said, feeling relieved until Mark started whistling louder than the bell. Oh, good grief.

The crowd quieted and Marcie waved like a schoolgirl. “Hi, everyone,” Marcie said, laughing as they all stared at her. She draped herself over Jennifer’s shoulders and ran her hand down Jennifer’s hair. “Tell them how the game words, Jen.” Marcie hiccupped. “I mean works.”

Bobby’s stare, brimming with understanding, met Jennifer’s.

Jennifer sighed and gently eased Marcie off her. “This is how the game works,” Jennifer told the crowd. “We have a board, dice and two stacks of cards that we pass around the circle. Odd number draws. One dare card. One truth card. You choose one or the other.”

Marcie held up a finger and called out, “Adding a new rule!” She eyed Jennifer. “It’s the bride’s prerogative.” Then she peered around the circle. “If you don’t want either card, you have to strip off one item of clothing.”

Jennifer gaped, shook her head. This was where she drew the line. She started to get up. Marcie grabbed her arm. “Oh, no, you don’t.” Then to the circle of guests, “The maid of honor is trying to run out on us, you guys.”

Shouts rang out. Demands that Jennifer “be a man” and stay for the game. Like she wanted to “be a man.” Nevertheless, she was hogtied into staying.

Marcie gloated, then announced. “The wedding party will go first! Come on, Jen, loosen up.”

Jennifer had gotten plenty loose in that kitchen with Bobby, and she had no intention of getting loose in the middle of a crowd. She didn’t even consider looking in Bobby’s direction on that one. Instead, she lashed back at Marcie.

“Bride and groom go first!” Jennifer yelled.

Marcie’s eyes lit. “Okay!”

So much for lashing back. Marcie rolled the dice. Even number. No card draw for her. She slid the board to Mark, who quickly rolled the dice. Odd number. He drew two cards.

Marcie giggled in anticipation. “Read the cards to everyone,” she said anxiously.

“Truth card,” Mark said. “Who is the best lover you have ever had?” He grinned and looked at Marcie.

She smiled. “Read the other one.”

“Dare card,” Mark said. “Perform a striptease for the room.” His eyes widened. “I’ll take the truth. Marcie is the best lover I have ever had.”

Everyone booed, yelling that he’d gotten off easy. “I’m the groom,” Mark declared. “That’s how it should work. At least until I walk down the aisle.”

Marcie gaped and he grinned. “Just joking.” He bent down and gave Marcie a quick kiss.

The next person was Sally, who was not only in the wedding, but the one Jennifer was pretty darn sure had ordered the dancers. Sally rolled an odd number. She drew two cards. “Truth. Have you ever used a vibrator?” She crinkled her nose. “Dare. Kiss the person to your right. Must use tongue.” That person was Mark. Holy crap. This was not going well.

Marcie grabbed Jennifer’s arm, digging her fingernails through her bare flesh. “Aye,” Jennifer complained but Marcie didn’t let go.

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Texas Hotzone Romance