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“Six months, princess. I know it seems like forever, but the time will fly.”

“Pax is next,” I say, my voice cracking. Nausea rises, and I tighten my grip on him. “He terrifies me.”

“Landon’s working on something. You don’t need to worry about Pax.”

“What do you mean?” I pull back and meet his gaze. “What’s he working on?”

“I don’t know all the details, but there’s no way he’s going to let you go to that monster.” He clenches his jaw. “Castle won’t let it happen, either.” At the reminder of the chancellor, he untangles himself from me, and we break apart completely.

The space between us crackles with need, on the verge of igniting once again. To keep my hands off of him, I open my mouth to question him further, and that’s when his eyes widen, settling on something over my shoulder. I whirl around, and the breath whooshes from my lungs.

Miles is standing at the bottom of the steps, arms crossed, eyes narrowed, his mouth a stern line of displeasure. “In the library, now.” His gaze swings between Sebastian and me. “The both of you.”

“Let me explain,” I say, desperation straining my tone.

“You can explain it to the chancellor.”


Furious and rhythmic footfalls, a collision of guilt and rebellion, and damp eyes accompanying a flushed face—that’s the scene greeting Liam when he enters the library fifteen minutes later. His deep brown gaze sweeps over each of us, assessing the unsettling picture the three of us create.

Miles pacing in front of the windows, his features twisted into a perpetual scowl.

Sebastian leaning against the opposite wall with his arms folded over a broad cotton-clad chest.

And me, curled up in a chair as I blink rapidly to keep the tears at bay.

“What’s going on?” Liam asks.

Neither Sebastian nor Miles abandon their chosen posts, though my keeper doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind.

“Tell him, my queen.” He’s never addressed me with such scorn before. “Tell the chancellor what you did.”

Liam focuses on me, studying my face for answers, and it only takes three seconds before his complexion pales.

“Tell him!” Miles shouts upon my silence.

Liam shakes his head. “She doesn’t have to explain.” With a hard swallow, he glares at Sebastian. “It’s obvious what’s happened.”

Miles stops pacing, his stance exuding prideful righteousness as he clasps his hands behind his back. “Summon the Brotherhood.”

“I need to talk to the queen first.” Liam clears his throat. “And Sebastian.”

Miles waves a hand in the air. “Talk all you want.”


“Absolutely not.”

“If you want to proceed with a summons, then you need to give me five minutes to ascertain the details.”

Miles presses his lips together, seemingly on the cusp of digging in his heels.

“I caught them in an embrace.” He gives the chancellor a pointed look. “He touched her in ways that brought on a level of arousal that can’t be ignored.”

The device. That’s how he knows…possibly even how he knew where to find me.

I lower my head, shame crawling up my neck, because all it took was a heated kiss and a little contact through our clothing to get me going. Sebastian’s had that effect on me since we met.

“You’ll get your summons,” Liam says. “Now leave us.”

“Very well then, Chancellor.” Disproval drips from his words. “I’ll wait in the hall.”

I don’t dare look at Miles as he strides from the room. The door slams upon his abrupt exit, and Liam has Sebastian pinned to the wall seconds later, his hand around his throat.

“What the hell is the matter with you?” he shouts. “You touched her?”

Sebastian drives his arm down on Liam’s wrist before shoving him back by several feet. “Keep your goddamn hands off of me,” he says, his tone as lethal as the silvery-blue glint in his eyes.

“You should have kept your hands off of her!” Liam’s hands ball into fists, and I jump up before they launch into a full-on brawl.

“Stop! The both of you.”

They turn in my direction at once, a display of polar opposites—Sebastian in his casual ripped jeans while Liam’s the embodiment of dark and handsome with expensive tastes. But anger unites them, pitting the two against each other even as they give an uncanny visual of two men forged in protective fury.

Sebastian looks away first. As he reclaims his post against the wall, dragging both hands down his face, Liam crosses to me, warm and tender hands grasping my shoulders.

“Tell me he forced you.”

“He didn’t.”

“You need to claim otherwise. I can’t protect you if you don’t.”

“He’s right, princess. I don’t want you getting hurt over this.”

“I’m already hurt,” I cry, shoving Liam back. “I didn’t ask for any of this.” My eyes lock onto Sebastian’s. “But I fell in love anyway.”

“Love won’t save you from the consequences.” Liam sighs, and I bring my attention back to him. “It won’t save him either, my sweet girl.”

Tags: Gemma James The Zodiac Queen Erotic