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I relaxed my body a bit. “Oh, I see. Well, yes, I am buying a house.”

He nodded, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that he wanted to ask me something else. But when he glanced up, he faltered a bit in his steps. I followed his gaze and saw Lauren walking our way.

“Hey, Lauren,” Channing said as we stopped.

“I was wondering if you might want to take a spin with me?” she asked.

Okay, wow. Was it just me, or was that rude as hell? The guy was on a date, and his ex asked him to dance with her. I couldn’t wait to hear how Channing was going to break it to her that he’d have to pass.

“I’d love to dance.”

I snapped my head to the side, and I was positive my jaw hit the ground as I stared at him. When I looked back at Lauren, she smiled, and I knew she was internally fist pumping. “Unless you mind, Merit. I mean, are you guys on a date or something?”

“Yes,” I said. “We are on a date, but no, I don’t mind.”

It was in that moment that Channing realized what a dick move he’d made, and he quickly attempted to backpedal. By that point, I was officially turned off.

“Shit. Um, Merit, I’m sorry.” He turned back to Lauren. “I think I should pass on the dance.”

Her entire body sagged, and I swore her eyes glassed over with unshed tears. Good Lord, is this really happening to me? Why is there always another woman in the picture? Why?

“Channing, honestly, I’m danced out. Why don’t the two of you dance?”

A slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Are you sure?”

With a nod and a smile that said please go before your ex breaks down into tears, I replied, “I’m positive.”

And without a second thought, Channing took Lauren by the hand and they walked back over toward where everyone was dancing.

I took a quick look around and saw a small, empty table. I made my way over and sat down. Truthfully, it felt good to get off my feet. I hadn’t worn these boots in so long, and my feet were killing me. I had a perfect view of the stage that had been set up farther down Main Street. I smiled as I watched Channing and Lauren dance. It was obvious they both still had feelings for one another.

As I glanced around at the folks walking by, I said hi to some I knew and smiled politely at others I didn’t. One song turned to five, and I realized Channing and Lauren would most likely not be coming back to find me. With a sigh, I stood and started walking down along the booths again.


I turned to see Kaylee waving me down. The entire Shaw family, minus Ty Senior and Stella, were seated around a group of tables. Lincoln was holding a baby in her arms, while Brock carried his daughter Morgan on his shoulders once again. The only person missing was Blayze.

“Where’s your date?” Kaylee asked, a bemused smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes and jerked my head back toward the dance floor. Kaylee looked and frowned, which caused me to look. Lauren and Channing were nowhere to be found. When I focused back on Kaylee, I could tell she already knew the answer.

“Seems like an old flame has been rekindled,” I said. Even I could hear the sound of disappointment in my voice.

Kaylee gave me a sympathetic smile. “I hate to say I was right, but I figured that was bound to happen the moment she came back to town. I’m sorry.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “Don’t be. It was an excuse to get myself out of the house and back into the real world. I’ve been so buried in books and marketing plans and trying to figure out how to get my family’s farm out of the red, that I forgot I was only twenty-eight and still had a life ahead of me.”

She nodded. “Do you want a beer or anything?”

I shook my head. “No, thank you.”

I cleared my throat and turned to look at Lincoln. “Lincoln, you look amazing for just having had a baby a few weeks ago.”

Lincoln blushed. “Thank you. I’m afraid it’s from chasing Morgan and Blayze around.”

“Where is Blayze?” I asked.

Lincoln started to answer, but Kaylee spoke up before she could. “His uncle took him to play a few games. He should be back soon.”

“Sit down, Merit,” Timberlynn said as she beamed up at me with a smile.

When I sat, she and Kaylee exchanged a knowing look, and I couldn’t help but wonder what the exchange was all about. Lincoln then shot Kaylee a look that I also couldn’t read. What the heck was this all about?

“How is the farm doing, Merit?” Ty asked.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Meet Me in Montana Romance