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As I read, my hand drifted down. Marking the curve of her ear. The angle of her jaw line. riding at her neck, tracing a line around where the solid, warmed metal met her soft skin. A hum exhaled from her as she stirred. Lifting her head from my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, just to let her know I was there. Resisting the urge to kiss her on the cheek. It still felt a bit too intimate for where we were.


“Indeed it is. At least I think. No windows, you know.”

“I noticed. What time is it anyway?”

The gold hands stood out against the white face. I’d gotten a watch with lines instead of numbers, because I’d been told it was the thing to do. The first and last time I tried to follow a fashion trend.

“Just after six,” I said, checking my watch.

“There’s a six in the morning now?”

“Yes, for a while now,” I laughed, “You sound like someone who could use some coffee.”

“Good guess.”

Working together like Victorian machinists, the steam whistle of the chrome contraption only adding credence, we got the aged espresso machine to cooperate, dispensing two medium mugs of lovely, Italian style beverage. They might not have the best track-record in terms of military allies, but they sure did know their coffee.

“Yummy,” Vega concurred.

We returned to the study, hand in hand. I didn’t usually like the idea of drinks in there but there was a coffee table and it seemed worth-while to try it. It was also best to vacate the kitchen before Matilda got up. She hated it when I hung around while she cooked. At least as far as I could remember.

The leather creaked softly, the couch coming to feel like a second home. That used to be the office, but things had changed pretty radically since I’d started isolating. Even before finally being told to by the government. Not the first time I was ahead of the curve.

“I have another gift for you,” I said, when the coffee was done.

“What is it?”

“You have to come and see,” I replied, trying to maintain the mystery.

Racing her to the top of the stairs, Vega sat waiting expectantly.

“Close your eyes.”

With a huffing sigh, she obeyed and I went to the secret part of the wardrobe where I kept all the gifts.

It didn’t look like much. A short rectangle, in the same style as the collar box. Bought from the same shop, in fact. They shipped all their merchandise in plain, white boxes. The better to ensure privacy and discretion.

I set the box on her lap, giving her thigh a slight squeeze to let her know that she could open her eyes.

She didn’t bother to ask what it was. Knowing by then that I wouldn’t spoil it and there was only one way to find out. Taking the box in both hands, she slid off the lid. Her expression going from excitement to confusion.

On the red paper inside the box lay a small bottle of lube, which I guess she knew, and a second item that confused her.

“It’s called a butt plug. Now, can you guess where that goes?”

“I-in my butt, I assume?”

“Very good. Yes, that is exactly where it goes, though only with lots of lube and other preparation. Don’t let anyone tell you different, okay?” Even as I said it, though, I felt a pang in my chest.

I didn’t really want to imagine anyone else having conversations like this with my Vega. Even though the contract was only for two weeks, the idea of her with someone else made my stomach churn.


“Promise me,” I urged, despite the bile rising in my throat at the thought of anyone else’s hands on her.

“I promise.”

“Good. The main use for a butt plug, though it can just be used on its own for fun, is to gently stretch the asshole, getting the receiving partner ready for anal sex.”

“You’re going to…” she squeaked a little, “Put it in my ass?”

“No, not yet. You need practice and preparation before that. I just thought I’d show you how it works so you can start preparing.”


“Take off your clothes.”

Nodding quickly, Vega got up off the bed and started to strip. Pants first. Then her shirt. Last to come off were her panties, leaving her standing naked before me, back turned, awaiting further instructions.

I caressed my hands down her arms, Vega relaxing into me with a slow sigh. Leaning in, I kissed and then nuzzled her neck, giving her little licks and bites. It seemed to put her in a much calmer mood.

Taking her by the arms from behind, I guided her onto the bed. Her head down and her ass up, in an ever deeper version of the same position when I’d put her against the wall.

It was subtle. Just the smallest quiver, but I knew she was nervous. I couldn’t really blame her. It was a sensitive thing and she didn’t know what I was going to do. Often, not knowing was worse.

Tags: Jamie Knight Erotic