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“Oh, good, you’re awake,” he remarked.

It was strange what panic could do. I could have sworn I’d heard Hugo come in. Even though it wasn’t possible. Still, being part of a dream made some aspects make a lot more sense.

“I gave Matilda the day off. She didn’t want to go of course but I insisted. She works so hard and deserves some time to herself. Did you know she is one of only three house staff I have left? Came as a surprise if I’m honest.”

It seemed real. The smell of the food on the tray. The slight dip of the bed as Hugo got on.

“You were gone.

“I didn’t want to wake you. You were sleeping so peacefully. Besides, I had to go and make breakfast.”

“Wake me. I’ll go and make the breakfast. Just never leave me like that again.”

I expected to sound angry, or at least upset. But instead, my words were coming out with a cold, steady efficacy that frightened even me.

He looked startled, but his expression quickly softened as my face crumbled. “I’m so sorry.

He took me in a hug I returned ten-fold. My sobs were muffled by the front of his shirt as he held me. I’d lived alone since I got to America. I should have adjusted, but reality was different than expectations. No matter how strongly held.

The first year, I would look for my parents every morning. Then call Maya, gladly accepting the ding on the long-distance fees, just wanting to hear a familiar voice. Maya at least feigned concern, despite the radical difference in time-zone between San Jose and Barcelona.

It had gotten better. Half way into the second year, it came to be just a short, sharp shock until I realized where I was. Moving in with Hugo and getting used to it, even in so short a time had been enough to bring it back.

The smell drew me. Freshly cooked and alluring, Hugo had made a tray of some of my most favorite food. Even if he had watched me cook, it would be quite a guess to get it all right. Maybe it had been a lucky guess, like the last book he had me do before bringing me out. Did I remind him of a particular cook?

At the corner of the stoneware plate, half hidden under it, was a box. Glossy white with a pull off lid. I did my best to ignore it as we ate. Trusting Hugo would go into it in due time. In the meantime I had bacon, cooked to absolute perfection.


He must have caught me glancing at the box again. No matter how much I tried to resist, curiosity was indeed getting the better of me.

“Open it.”

There was a small rattle from inside the box as I extracted it from its hiding place. A sound that sent my mind running faster as to what it could be. It sounded a lot like metal. Pure sterling silver perhaps?

“It’s a collar.”

“Like for a dog?”

“The usual term is ‘pet.’ It is a sign of trust, nothing more.”

“How do I take it off?”

I ran my finger around the solid silver ring. It looked barely big enough to go around my neck.

“You don’t. Once it is on, only I can take it off. It is designed that way. You don’t have to wear it, I just thought it might be edifying. You’re interested in learning about all aspects of sex, right? Power exchange is one of them.”

“I’d be surrendering my power to you?”

“Only symbolically,” he interjected quickly, “I won’t spank you or anything, unless you think you’d like that.”

“Um, no. To the spanking, I mean. I’m sensitive and it would probably hurt. I’ll wear the collar though.”

The silver was cold against my skin but not unpleasant. With a soft pop, and the twist of an Allen wrench, it was locked in, as was I. At the very least I knew he could never leave me. It bound him to me as much as me to him.

Keeping a hand around the back of my neck, keeping me perfectly still, Hugo caressed his hand down my belly making me quiver. My wet pussy giving way as he slid a finger inside.

“Thought so.”

I reached under the blanket, his hard cock defined in his pajama pants.

“Yes?” he asked, making sure.


It felt like flying. No sooner had the single, three-letter word left my lips, than I was on the other side of the room, facing the wall. Never once fearing for my safety.

“Bend over, put your hands against the wall.”

The stone was cool and rough under my hands. My eyes stayed locked on the floor as I tried to keep my breath steady, Hugo’s fingers working inside me.

Joy ripped through me, threatening to put me to the ground. It still startled me how hard I was able to orgasm. Not sure if it was me or Hugo. Likely a combination of the two. Our synergy already demonstrating itself time and again.

Tags: Jamie Knight Erotic