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I was conflicted. Hugo started kissing my neck as soon as he got me on the bed. Holding me gently like the beautiful lover he was. It felt amazing, though my immediate concern was with trying to get my damn pants off. The heat between thighs was getting to the approximate intensity of a fucking blast furnace.


In what felt like a single movement, I was naked below the waist. The cool air heaven on my wet, aching pussy.



He went back to necking me, his hand finding its way between my legs to softly relieve the built up tension.

The orgasm arrived like a snow storm, unexpected and fierce, shaking me to my core and making me howl as I came. Mad intensity slowly way to a satisfied calm, Hugo continuing to stroke my outer lips as I melted.

I felt a tugging on the bottom of my shirt. Instinctively I lifted my arms. Hugo pulled my tank top up over my head. He unfastened my bra from the front, which I didn’t even know it could do. Naked and vulnerable to his every desire, I did my best to lay still as Hugo made his way southward. Opening my legs in welcome as he approached.

Fireworks went off in my head as his tongue made first contact. It was like he pressed a button to trigger all my pleasure centers at once. Letting the first few, slow licks ring, he started to go faster, pressing his lovely tongue even harder against my eager lips.

I wanted as much as I could possibly get. Even if some of it felt a bit weird at first. Hugo had never done anything to hurt me and I wanted him to feel at liberty to try anything he liked.

He let loose the shapes. Figure eights. Tight spirals. What felt like a star and a bevy of others I couldn’t readily identify. My mind was somewhat occupied with the technicolor explosions of pleasure going off every second behind my eyes.

My body shuddered. A natural response to the chemical reactions brought on by sexual contact. Though it felt like a miracle. Something not of the mortal plane that I had lucked onto by accident. It was difficult to believe there were people who felt this way often. Or at least when they had sex. It seemed so beautiful as to be impossible.

I heard Hugo’s belt come undone, a sound that brought me to full attention. Sitting bolt upright, not wanting to miss a thing. I was on him as soon as I saw it, pouncing on his cock like a predator. I worked his beautiful shaft with an enthusiasm I usually reserved for great books and, occasionally, wine. My hands picked up on the work my mouth couldn’t manage, some part of me pleasuring him at all times.

The torrent came in a beautiful blast, his sweet cum filling my mouth as fast as I could take it. I swallowed down each flood as it came, never giving up, nor losing a drop. I wanted it all. To feel every last morsel warming me from the core.

Picking me up as though I weighed nothing, Hugo turned me around on the bed so I was laying straight and flat. Not quite as interesting as the edge of the bed, though admittedly more comfortable. Taking me by the calves, he pushed up and back. Getting my knees up near my tits, while keeping them near, if not together. I wrapped both arms around my legs, holding them in position.

I let out a whimper of desire, the warm head of his cock against my wet and ready pussy making me want to melt with pleasure. I heard a rip of foil and there was a pause. I peeked over my shoulder to see him rolling a condom down his length.

With all due care, taking into account my recent virginity, along with his massive size, Hugo coaxed my pussy into taking him in more than half way, then slowly filling me up almost entirely. My pussy hugged him snugly as he started to move.

He took it easy on me. Never getting beyond a steady, moderate rhythm. As though I might break if fucked any harder. Despite the evidence from the night before. Still, I understood his caution. I was barely broken in and he wanted me to stretch a bit more before he tried going really hard again. We had lots of time to try out everything

“Getting close?

I nodded, unable to speak, in any language other than my body.

“Good girl.

He leaned down and kissed me, easing up on my pussy as I started to cum. Tiny shudders built to a level 4 earthquake as I held onto him, his cock still deep inside me.

“Fuck,” I exclaimed, breathlessly.

“That was the idea,” Hugo said with a wink.

I would have smacked him under other circumstances. Right then though. I just laughed. The mix of adrenaline and pleasure hormones making me giddy.

Tags: Jamie Knight Erotic