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When I was ready, I slipped in a second finger, moaning slightly as I did so. My little, virgin pussy stretching to accommodate it. After a few deep breaths, I started to move again. Thrusting both fingers deeper and deeper inside myself. Getting up to the third chuckle on both.

I wanted to scream. Let out my joy. Let him know how good it felt. Particularly with him watching. Yet I stayed quiet. Moaning desperately as I bit my lip. Trying not to make too much noise, as if I was afraid I might get caught if I did.

“Let it go, Vega. Let it all go.”

Hugo’s words were like a quick release. Instantly I stopped biting my lip. Letting my jaw drop open releasing all the pent up pleasure into the world. No longer caring who heard it, even though it was only meant for Hugo.

“Good. Now angle your fingers a bit. Stroke the tips in a sort of ‘come here’ motion.

I obeyed him, and the effects were immediate. I moaned and bucked like crazy. While he watched me from afar, I brought myself to orgasm several times, each more intense than the last. Coming all over the place with each instance.

This was something I didn’t even know I could do. I’d always thought orgasms were sort of a one-and-done thing. Then again, I really wasn’t an authority on the subject. I didn’t even really know what the g-spot was, let alone how to make myself orgasm with it. Hugo clearly had a lot he could teach me.

I collapsed in the chair, red-faced and panting. Absolutely spent but also supremely satisfied.

“Good girl,” Hugo said, making me feel even better.

“Thank you, Sir.”

Ordinary I would have covered myself by then, or at least left my fingers in. Instead, I’d rested my still-slick hand on my thigh, my stretched little pussy right there for him to see.

“I want you to come and stay with me,” he said, looking me in the eyes.

An act of respect that made my heart do flips in my chest.

“For how long?” I asked, before I could stop myself.

My heart was soaring, was this really it? Had he really picked me? How was that possible?

“Two weeks. Starting on Valentine’s Day. It is a contract position with a bonus at the end.”

I knew about the contract, but the bonus was a pleasant surprise. Only adding a cherry on top of losing my cherry. To my idol. And my boss. The idea made my head spin, but I was practically buzzing with excitement.

I struggled to find the right words and finally just settled for: “Okay.”

“I’ll send the doctor tomorrow for the tests. Need to be careful.”

“Of course,” I agreed, my cheeks reddening.

I assumed he meant a virus test, though didn’t actually know that. Even if the examination turned out to be a bit more invasive, I was more than willing to go through it, just as long as the end result was two weeks alone with that beautiful man.

Chapter Six - Vega

The knocks were measured and light. A professional who knew how to be gentle. It was the morning after my little webcam adventure with Hugo. This close to the crack of dawn, there was only one person it could be.

“Coming,” I called, hopping into my sweat pants on the way to the door.

Statuesque was the first word that came to mind. Tall and lean, all sharp angles and smoothed down blond hair, she really did look like a marble statue granted the gift of life. Were it not for the white coat and name-tag, Dr. Nina Harlow, she could have easily been mistaken for a model.

“Vega Alejo?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She wasn’t that much older than me. Maybe 30 but even so, she commanded an instant respect. “I am Dr. Nina Harlow. I’ve been tasked by Hugo Boucher to conduct some tests. Do you consent to this?”

“Ye-yeah, sure.”

“Sign here, please.”

At the end of her slim arm, held in a well-manicured hand, was a clipboard, a pen hanging from the clasp.

A quick skim of the document revealed it to be a basic consent form. There was nothing about insurance, which struck me as slightly odd. Until I remembered how rich Hugo was. He must have been paying her amazingly well for Dr. Harlow to make a house-call.

“Very good,” she took the clipboard from me as I passed it back

Keeping her legs primly crossed, Dr. Harlow conducted the expected tests, from a kitchen chair placed in front of the couch. There was a throat swab, as well as blood samples. I had my guesses what each were for and couldn’t really blame him. He had no way of knowing I was a virgin.

“Lie down, please,” Dr. Harlow said, getting out a pair of rubber gloves.

I was expecting a pelvic, which in a way it was. Only less invasive. I didn’t even have to take my pants off and the whole thing was over so fast, I didn’t even have time to get embarrassed.

Tags: Jamie Knight Erotic