Page 41 of The Bodyguard

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She did as she was told and looked over her shoulder at me with a grin as she shook her fine ass.

“I thought you wanted me to pee on the stick?”

“Later, think good thoughts, this is going to be hard and quick.” I just unzipped and released my cock, leaving my jeans on.

I cut her off mid-laugh with a hard thrust into her already wet cunt and after that, all that was heard were her moans, my grunts, and the bed knocking against the wall.

She took a quick nap after I pulled out of her and I took the opportunity to grab a quick shower. She rolled over when I walked back into the bedroom, eyed my semi hard dick that was tenting the towel and spread her legs. Fuck if I didn’t dive right back into that shit.

I had her legs behind her ears and her pussy stuffed with cock in ten seconds flat. This round lasted a little longer and this time I took it nice and slow.

Her lips were bee stung from all the wild kissing and her neck and tits were a mess from my teeth. I crawled off of her and dragged her back into the shower with me.

We made a light dinner since apparently she’s only allowed one real meal a day. She was fine until her phone went off and everything went dark. It was literally like the lights went off, but it was just her. The smile fell off her face, but more than that some of her essence just dissipated.

When she did look at me, she had that same look she did the day before when she got so sick. Like death slightly warmed over. What was it she’d said? It was someone she didn’t want to work with? My ass!

“You wanna tell me what that’s about?” She damn near jumped out of her skin and the phone skidded out of her hand and under the table. I would’ve gone after the shit and read it, but I was trying not to be that guy. Then again if she didn’t come clean soon all bets are off.

“It’s…nothing, just an annoying person who won’t take no for an answer.”

“No in what way? Personal way, or….” I just let that hang out there but inside my blood was on a slow boil.

“Work, definitely work.” She jumped up from the table, “I think I’ll go take a nice hot shower.”

I let her leave…for two minutes. That’s how long I was able to sit there like a stump before going after her, before I remembered we’d just fucked in the damn shower.

She squealed when I pulled back the shower door, like something straight outta Psycho. “Okay that’s it, start talking.” I switched the water off and helped her out of the stall, soap bubbles and all.

“Hey, I’m trying to take a shower here.”

“Tough, I told you not to lie to me right. Now I wanna know who keeps putting that look on your face every time they call or text or what the fuck.”

I didn’t much like the way she shied away from me like she was afraid I’d haul off and smack her, but she’d learn soon enough that my anger doesn’t take me there. For now my only interest was in getting to the bottom of this shit.

“Somehow I get the feeling that this has something to do with the asshole who’s been sending you those letters. If you don’t tell me what’s going on I can’t help you, now fucking talk.”

Okay so I’m a little pissed off. She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved and maybe I’m going overboard here but then again, I don’t really give a fuck.

“Some asshole has been threatening to hurt you for the better part of a year before I came along, now you’re getting phone calls that make you look and act like the boogeyman is hanging out under your bed.”

I’ve killed for less but I didn’t say that to her, she was spooked enough. I toned it down a little when I realized I was scaring her. The fact that we really didn’t know each other that well was never more evident.

“Look, in about a month and a half my life has made a complete three-sixty, I’m dealing with it. You came out of left field and I wasn’t expecting you or this, but fuck it, I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. I didn’t know this about me, but when I love, I love hard as fuck.” Her freaky ass grinned at me.

“I’m not talking about that get your mind out the gutter. What I’m saying is I find that with you, I’m willing to take a lot. Like when you talk my ear off for hours on end about your stupid ass boy bands and the other shit that tickles you. All shit that would usually make me want to shoot myself, with you, it’s all good. But what I won’t deal with is being lied to. Not by you!”

Tags: Jordan Silver Erotic