Page 38 of The Bodyguard

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“No, it’s nothing, just work.” I slammed down on the brakes and pulled over on the side of the road. Thank fuck sensible people were still at home safe in their beds.

“I told you about lying to me. Who was on the phone? This isn’t your man talking now, this is your bodyguard.” Fuck if it was but she didn’t need to know that.

“Would you calm down? It’s nothing, just someone I worked with a long time ago that I don’t want to work with again.”

She worked really hard at being believable and I chose to give her the benefit of the doubt. The truth is she wasn’t in the habit of keeping shit from me, except for the Zeta thing and I kinda understood that, so I dropped it for now.

Nothing else untoward happened the rest of the day and she was back to her smiling self when we left at the end of filming.

“I’m feeling a bit queasy.” We were just about to enter the house when she told me this. My first thought was the baby, but even I know it was too soon.

After making sure the coast was clear I decided to run down to the pharmacy, which was a quick five minutes away, after putting her to bed. She wanted soup from her favorite place so I called it in and headed out.

While at the pharmacy I decided to grab a couple pregnancy tests, not realizing that anyone was even watching me move around the store. I’m not a star so the idea that I would be followed while she wasn’t around never registered.

I picked up her soup and a couple salads and sandwiches in case she felt well enough to eat later, and rushed back home to her.

She was bundled up under the covers with the TV running and I felt real fear grip me. “Baby?” I rushed to her side and felt her forehead but she was cool to the touch, if a little clammy.

“Come, sit up for me, I’ll feed you your soup, what hurts?”

“Nothing hurts, I just feel tired and weak.” I gritted my teeth and held my tongue. She had one more week on this movie with a month downtime before filming started on the next one.

She looked miserable when I helped her sit up and I did my best not to yell. Don’t know why I felt like yelling in the first damn place. It’s not like she made herself sick on purpose, but damn, I’m new at this shit.

I don’t think anyone had ever called me when they were sick before, so I’m not sure if my wanting to freak the fuck out was normal or not.

She got her color back once she finished the soup and I bullied her into staying in bed the rest of the night. I knew I was for sure in love when I stayed up all night with her asleep on my chest just watching her breathe.

She was fine the next morning, like nothing happened. I kept checking her for any lingering issues but she was flitting around the house like she got her second wind while I was dragging ass. “We’re almost done, oh my word I can’t wait to be done with this movie.”

She chomped into her banana, smacked my ass and headed out the door ahead of me. Meanwhile I was looking at her like she was a clone. Due to me never having lived with a woman before, I wasn’t sure if this was normal or if she was setting me up for some shit. I was seriously thinking about googling this shit for some pointers.

She read her magazine and talked my ear off until halfway there she screeched and almost made me run off the road. “What the hell Tara?” A look in the rearview didn’t reveal any clear and present danger and she wasn’t bleeding.

She did look at me like she’d seen her grandmother’s ghost though. “What? Your favorite boy band break up or something?”

She held the magazine out to me. “You know I can’t read that, I’m driving here. Just read it to me, whatever it is I’m sure it’ll be fine.” I rolled my eyes out of her view.

For someone with her own star power she sure does lose her shit over other celebrities. That’s part of her appeal I guess. The fact that she doesn’t seem to realize that she’s a big deal.

“Super hunky bodyguard and latest heartthrob of our favorite star Tara A, was seen buying out the pregnancy test aisle at the local pharmacy. Speculation has already begun and people are counting back the days on their fingers….” Oh shit, I forgot about the damn tests.

“Problem?” She did that huffing shit but I didn’t see the big deal and told her as much.

Tags: Jordan Silver Erotic