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“I’m gonna go hit the bathroom,” Josh said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. “Be right back.”

“I’ll just be here devouring this salmon,” I replied.

He and Trey headed off for the bathroom while Gage started to nuzzle Ivy’s ear, making her giggle. Noelle rolled her eyes in disgust and dragged Dash off to go say hello to some alumni. As the rest of us dug into our food, I saw Missy Thurber, of all people, winding her way around the many tables as if headed for ours. I was even more surprised when she walked all the way arou

nd until she was right behind me.

“I hope you’re proud of yourself,” she said, pressing her hands into the back of Josh’s vacated chair. I almost choked on my food. So she was actually talking to me now? Our relationship was no longer going to exclusively consist of evil glares?

“Proud of myself?” I asked.

“You seem to be picking off the Billings alums one by one,” she said, looking me up and down in an obnoxious way. “Guess I should stay away from you. Who knows what lies you’ll come up with about me to get me sent to jail?”

Astrid let out an indignant grunt. “Back off, you troll. Reed hasn’t lied about anyone.”

“You do know there’s actual proof that Paige paid off some guy to kill me and Carolina,” I said, turning in my seat to face her. “The guy confessed.”

Missy laughed. “Proof. Ha. Everything can be doctored these days, Reed. I’ll bet you a million dollars that video gets thrown out before it even makes it to court. And that guy was drunk when he blabbed. No one’s going to believe a loser like him over Paige Ryan.” She stood up straight and squared her shoulders, looking right into my eyes. “Either way, don’t think for a second that this is over,” she said through her teeth.

Then she reached over, plucked the fresh, warm roll from my bread plate, and took a bite out of it before walking off.

I gaped at Astrid, stunned.

“Did she really just steal your bread?” she asked.

“I think she really just did,” I replied.

And we both cracked up laughing. Honestly, when it came to villainous behavior, Missy had some brushing up to do. But still, something inside of me stirred. What did she mean, this wasn’t over? Did she have something to do with all these “accidents” too? Had she been working with Paige? They were cousins, after all, and Missy had hated me since our first day of sophomore year.

I watched her carefully as she crossed the room and sauntered over to Graham Hathaway. She ran her hand lightly over his shoulders, then picked up her clutch purse from his table and disappeared out a side door. It was a side door I knew all too well. I’d met Dash McCafferty in a little alcove through there last fall for one of those stolen moments between the two of us that I wasn’t too proud of. Graham took a last bite of potatoes and got up to follow her, buttoning his blue suit jacket as he went.

I watched the door swing shut behind them, then pushed my chair away from the table.

“I’ll be right back,” I said to Astrid.

I grabbed my phone and took off after them.


I crept around the corner and into the small alcove and almost lost my two bites of salmon. Graham had his tongue so far down Missy’s throat he could probably taste that roll she’d snagged from me moments ago. Her back was mashed up against the wall and his whole body was flattened against her even as he tried to wiggle his hands between their chests to get a feel.

Okay, ew. I had to look away. This wasn’t right. But I couldn’t seem to make myself move. It was like watching a truly horrible American Idol audition. You felt for the poor sap crooning away, so off-key he could shatter glass; you felt for the judges as they tried in vain to stop cringing; the whole thing made you feel queasy inside, but for some sadistic reason you had to see it through to the bitter end.

Missy turned her face, smearing her lipstick across her cheek, and started to open her eyes. A sudden surge of panic hit me hard, and I was about to turn away before she could accuse me of being a creeper, but I was too late. She looked right at me, blinked, and then I swear she started to smile.

I turned, my heel catching on the ornate hallway rug, and stumbled around the corner. At that moment, someone’s gloved hand came down over my mouth and a strong arm locked around my waist. My heart hurtled into my throat and I tried to scream, but the fingers were clamped down too tightly against my lips as I was pulled roughly backward. I flailed and kicked and writhed, but nothing worked. My good arm flung out as my attacker dragged me toward the end of the hallway and for a brief, desperate second I was able to clasp the corner between the alcove and the hall, but with one jerk the guy freed my grip and we were all alone.

We were headed toward a back exit. A door that I knew led to the employee parking lot, which would be all but deserted, what with everyone working the banquet. My eyes filled with hot, angry, frantic tears.

This was not going to happen to me. Not again. Not without a fight. I whacked at my attacker with my cast as hard as I could and felt his grip give the tiniest bit. At that moment, Josh, Trey, and Gage came running into the hall. My eyes widened with hope as Josh turned and saw us.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing?”

The guys sprinted toward me and my attacker let go, dropping me on my ass in the center of the hall. He turned and fled out the back door. Gage and Trey went gunning right past me and gave chase. Josh ran over and fell to his knees in front of me.

“Are you all right?” he asked, running his hand over my forehead and into my hair. “Who the hell was that?”

“You didn’t see his face?” I gasped, clinging to my broken arm, which radiated sharp pains up into my shoulder and down into my fingertips.

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult