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"A bunch of people came to make sure you were okay," she explained. "Dash, Kiran, Taylor, Tiff, Amberly, Gage, West..."

All my friends from Easton. Even Gage Coolidge, who usually called me Farm Girl. And Amberly, who was closer to frenemy than friend. Of course Poppy, Paige, Sienna, and Daniel, Paige's brother, hadn't shown. Why was I not surprised?


"You guys believe me, right?" I asked, looking around at my friends.

"Of course," Sawyer replied.

My heart welled with gratitude. I was about to thank him, but then Upton walked over and paused next to his chair. "You mind, mate?" he said.

Sawyer glanced at him, hesitated, then got up, pushing the chair toward the wall with the back of his legs without a word. Upton leaned over and kissed my lips, running his hand over my forehead before dropping right down in Sawyer's vacated seat.

"Just calm down and get some rest," he said, clasping my hand in both of his. His deep voice and sexy English accent sent a pleasant thrill down my spine. The first pleasant sensation I'd had since I woke up. "We can deal with all of this later. Right now you just have to take care of yourself."

"Okay," I said, my voice full. "I'm so glad you guys are here," I added, glancing at Noelle.

"We're not going anywhere," Noelle replied, pulling up another chair from under the window. "Just try to get some sleep."

I nodded and leaned back into the

pillows, clinging to Upton's hand. A sense of peace came over me and I felt my eyelids growing heavy. Everything was going to be okay. Upton and Noelle would take care of me. And Sawyer. Sawyer had saved me. I wouldn't even be here if not for him. Plus, he believed me. He was the only one other than Mr. Lange who had actually said he believed me.

I forced my tired eyes open, intending to thank him again, but when I glanced around the room, he was already gone.



My bags were packed and placed next to the front door of the Langes' house, along with the footlocker brimming with college sweatshirts that Upton had given me for Christmas. Mr. Lange barked into his cell phone at the police, pacing around the glass-topped coffee table in the great room of the Langes' vacation home. I stood near the door, my fingers toying with the tiny shell on my rope necklace--a Christmas gift from Sawyer, which I had put on for the first time that morning. I stared at the footlocker, letting my eyes focus and blur, focus and blur.

I'd been so happy on Christmas Eve. So in the moment with Upton. I wished we could have just stayed there forever, hanging out on the floor of his father's study. Alone together. Where no one could touch us. I had to get out of here. How could I stay after everything that had happened? But I felt the loss of everything this trip could have been. It pressed against my chest like an iron fist.


"Is that everything?" Noelle asked, comingup behind me.

I jumped and let out an involuntary yelp. Apparently almost getting killed three times in a week can make a girl jumpy.

"Sorry. I forgot. No sneak attacks," Noelle said, touching my shoulder lightly.

Her hair was back in a loose bun and she wore a black T - shirt dress with a neckline so wide the right side fell off her shoulder, exposing her perfectly tanned skin. She looked like a girl without a care in the world. Someone ready to spend her day lazing on the beach sipping pina coladas, just waiting for some hot guy to come along and reapply her suntan lotion. I had never been more envious of her than I was in that moment.

Carefree was not a state with which I was familiar.

"Yeah. That's everything," I said.

"Areyousure aboutthis?" Noelle asked. "Ifyoustay I swear Iwon't let you out of my sight for the rest of the trip."

"That's comforting, but no thanks," I said, taking a deep breath. "My parents are expecting me today and my mother is kind of freaking out after everything that's happened. I think she'll lose it if she doesn't actually get to see me and make sure I'm in one piece."

Noelle smirked. "Parents."

"I know. Besides, whoever's after me is on this island, so I think the best thing to do is just to get the hell off of it," I added.

"Get the hell off of what?"

"Omigod," I breathed, my hand flying to my chest.

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult