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to close the laptop.

I sat back on the itchy couch, stunned. Sweet, innocent Marc Alberro? Was it possible? And could

he really be a cold-blooded killer?

"Yeah," I said finally. "I guess so."



Ivy was at the first sink when I walked into the bathroom that night, still reeling over the discovery

about Marc. She was wearing white flannel pajamas and cozy-looking quilted slippers. I was

wearing my Penn State sweatshirt and a pair of Easton Academy mesh shorts."Got a midnight

football game?" she asked with a sneer, reaching for a small pot of some kind of cream.

"Got a midnight facial reconstruction?" I shot back. "Because you could definitely use some

softening around the chin and nose."

Ivy's jaw dropped a tad, but she recovered quickly, returning her attention to her beauty ritual

with slightly more vigor. I placed my see through plastic bag of toiletries on the back of the sink

and cursed the founders of Billings for giving us private bathrooms. I was so not used to meeting

enemies right before bed.

Trying to ignore Ivy, I brushed my teeth vigorously and spat.


Ivy smirked and focused on her reflection, dotting her cream under her eyes and rubbing it in. This

was the type of thing that had always fascinated me back in Billings. Did seventeen-year-olds really

need under-eye cream? I had asked Kiran once and she had told me it was all about preventive

measures. Seemed like a waste of money to me. But then, these people had more money than


"What? Fascinated with moisturizer?" Ivy asked, glancing at my reflection in the mirror. She held

out the pot of cream to me. "You can have some if you want. Might get rid of some of those

insomnia circles you've got going on there," she said, wrinkling her nose. "You do have a lot to lie

awake worrying about these days, huh?" she added with mock sympathy.

My face burned and I grabbed my things. "You are such a bitch."

"Oh, please. All that time you spent with Noelle Lange, but I'm a bitch?" Ivy said with a scoff,

twisting the lime green cap back on the canister. "I can't even hold a candle to her. But one of

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult