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I gulped in some cool air and tried to ignore the tightness in my chest. "We'd broken up around



"Right," Trey said, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "So I was trying to help the guy out,

you know? Distract him and all. We were up pretty much all night trying to beat these suckers

from Malaysia on Infinite Warrior. Guys were in and out of our room all night, cheering us on,

eating our food. Plus there's the site you have to link to so you can play internationally. They hav


a log of how long we were playing. Which was, unfortunately, way too long."

He laughed in a self-deprecating way and I let out a sigh of relief. I wasn't sure if I could handle

being so very wrong about a friend again. The Ariana thing had been bad enough.

"So, anyway, sorry to burst your bubble about Ivy, but I've known the girl since freshman year. I

really don't see it happening," he said, standing up straight.

Yeah, well, no one had seen the Ariana thing coming either, had they? Just because Trey thought

Ivy was innocent... that didn't make her innocent.

"I'll see you around," he said, lifting his chin.

"Yeah. See ya."

Trey started up the stairs to the library, then paused, his shoes scraping on the wet concrete steps.

He turned and looked down at me from a few steps up.

"There is one thing. I told the police, so I guess it won't hurt to tell you," he said.

"What's that?" I asked, intrigued.

"I'm pretty sure Cheyenne was cheating on me last spring," he said, a slight blush coming to his



"Dominic Infante?" I suggested before I could check myself.

Dominic was a guy I had gone on one date with in New York City. He'd gotten insanely drunk and

confessed that he'd slept with Cheyenne several times before her death.

Trey laughed. "No. She didn't hook up with him until this September, I don't think. No, it was

someone else. She used to get these texts all the time from someone with the initials S.O. and

she'd get all flustered and weird about them. Finally one day I snagged her phone and checked out

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult