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looked up at the ceiling and shook his head, palms to the sky as his arms lay on his armrests.

"It's always the same with you girls," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ariana snapped.

She didn't appreciate being likened to anyone else in this loony bin.

He glanced at her, then slowly stood up and slipped his hands into the pockets of his white coat.

Watching her the whole time, he walked around his desk and stood directly in front of her. For a

long moment, he stared down at her, his expression unreadable. Ariana stare

d back and felt an

unexpected jolt of hope.

Oh, just try something, please. Touch me inappropriately. Try to hurt


me. Whatever you're thinking, do it so that I can get your pathetic, low-rent ass fired.

Dr. Meloni leaned down and braced his hands on the arms of her chair. He brought his face within

inches of hers. His breath smelled like soy sauce. Ariana wanted to recoil, but she forced herself to

stay completely still.

"I have been working with psychopaths like you for the last twenty-five years," he said quietly.

"You are not capable of change. If you ever were to be released from this facility, I am

categorically certain that you would kill again. So no, Miss Osgood, you are never getting out of

here. Not today, not tomorrow, not five years from now. Or ten. Or twenty. Not as long as I'm the

one signing your chart. And believe me when I tell you I plan to stay in this job until they wheel my

cold, dead corpse out that door."

He pointed at the solid metal door for effect, and Ariana started to tremble. She felt it coming and

curled her toes as hard as she could, but it was too late. Tears stung her eyes. She gripped her arm

with her nails and gritted her teeth, but still they came. And when one finally spilled over, Dr.

Meloni's grin lit his entire face.

"Guard!" he shouted, his eyes still locked on Ariana's.

The door instantly opened, and Miriam, the bulbous Ward Two guard, appeared, filling the

doorway. Miriam had an impressive collection of steel-toed boots. Ariana had never even rolled

her eyes at the woman.

"You can take this one back to her cell. I'm done with her," Meloni said, disgusted.

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult