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the stalker aspect of this whole thing. "I don't know."


"Think about it. She kills Cheyenne, then tries to drive you crazy over it, blaming it all on you and

leaving all those sadistic little gifties."

I had related all the details of my stalking to Ivy the night before, after we had made our pact. She

had been, much to my satisfaction, appropriately appalled by all of it. Apparently the girl had a

human side after all.

"Maybe she thought you wouldn't be able to handle it and would move out of Billings," Ivy

theorized. "Once Noelle was back, she was trying to create a place for herself in the dorm. Which

she also succeeded in doing."

"Plus, by getting rid of me, she could move in as Noelle's new best friend," I said slowly. "And I'm

sure her new best friend told her what all the Billings Girls made me do for initiation last year. I

can't believe this."

I felt suddenly faint and had to sit down on the edge of my bed. She was right. That crazy beyotch

was living in my room, sleeping in my bed, using my private bathroom.

Oh my God. All this time Sabine had been rooming with a psycho.

"But what about the X'd-out photo in your room?" I asked Ivy.

"Obviously she planted it there, trying to pin the whole thing on me," Ivy said, lifting a hand as she

paced my tiny room. "Which also worked for a few hours. Damn, this girl is good."

All the pieces of this massively distorted puzzle were finally fitting together.

"I can't believe I didn't see this before," I mused.


"It doesn't matter. What matters is, we see it now," Ivy said. "So what are we going to do about


"We need proof," I said firmly. "Something concrete we can take to Hauer. After what happened

yesterday he's never going to believe us on our word alone."

Ivy smirked. "Well, lucky for us the entire dorm will be deserted tonight."

I blinked at her, my skin tingling with realization. "Kiran's pre-party."

"Exactly," Ivy said, sitting on my desk chair and slapping her hands down on her legs. "All we have

to do is find a way to get in there and we can check out her room. See what we can find."

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult