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"Do you think you could do it? " Ivy asked finally, squaring off with


me. "Do you think you could work with your ex's girlfriend? "

Oh, right. There was still the little matter of the fact that she was routinely tonguing the love of my

life. It took all my self-control not to cringe.

"If it puts an end to all this crap, then I'll try," I said. "Two heads are better than one, right?"

After the briefest hesitation, Ivy stuck out her slim white hand. "So they say."

We shook on it and part of me felt as if I were making a pact with the devil. But then, the devil

would probably have ways of getting things done that I could never even dream of. Maybe a

marriage of good and evil was exactly what we needed to figure this thing out. Before our stalker

decided it was time to get rid of us--for good.


* * *

I spent most of breakfast on Saturday morning watching Josh and Ivy and trying to read their body

language. Had she told him about our new arrangement? What had he thought of the gift I'd given

him? Had he even gotten it? I took small bites of my oatmeal and willed him to look over at me

just once, but he never did. He seemed captivated by Ivy.

Which, of course, sucked.

Plus there was no way I could even attempt to get him alone after breakfast, because Ivy and I had

agreed to meet back at my room as soon as we were done and try to figure out what our next

move would be. I said good-bye to Diana and the others, who were headed to the library to study

for finals, and hightailed it back to Pemberly, keeping my head bent against the cold. After making

it through the crack security in the lobby, I only had to wait in my room for five minutes before Ivy

arrived. She knocked and actually waited for me to open the door. That almost never happened in



"Hey," she said, shedding her white coat and cabbie hat as she breezed by me into the room.


I waited nervously for her to say something about my gift to Josh. To confront me about making a

play for her boyfriend. Just thinking of her being proprietary about him left a sour taste on my

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult