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You're in­vit­ed to a sneak peek of the next book in the Pri­vate se­ries:




Nine­ty per­cent out of it and I was still learn­ing things. For in­stance: The cu­ri­ous stares of your peers be­come pret­ty easy to ig­nore when you're work­ing on ap­prox­imate­ly forty-?five min­utes of sleep spread out over three days. Al­so, the cafe­te­ria man­ag­er doesn't like it when he finds some­one sit­ting on the cold brick out­side the door wait­ing for him to un­lock it. Chee­rios ex­pand when left to soak in milk for too long. If you spend enough time gaz­ing blankly at them, you can watch it hap­pen.

A few days had passed since Thomas's fu­ner­al and still I had hard­ly eat­en or slept. The area un­der my eyes felt full and tight and heavy at all times, like I could ei­ther pass out or burst in­to tears at any sec­ond. The door to the cafe­te­ria opened and I looked up from my Chee­rios in­stinc­tive­ly, an im­age of Thomas flash­ing through my mind. A queasy warmth hit me and I felt like so wretched­ly stupid I want­ed to scream. It wasn't Thomas. It was nev­er go­ing to be Thomas. Fig­ure it out, Reed. “Are you all right?”


Some­how I lift­ed my eighty-?pound head and looked up at Josh. He hov­ered at the end of the oth­er­wise de­sert­ed cafe­te­ria ta­ble with a tray full of dough­nuts and choco­late milk. Boy took in more sug­ar be­fore nine a.m. than most five-?year-?olds did in a day.

“M'fine,” I mum­bled. “Just wish­ing this bowl was a pil­low.”

I pushed my tray aside and rest­ed my el­bows on the ta­ble, tak­ing a long, deep breath to try to crowd out the nau­sea. Josh sat down across from me and lift­ed his mes­sen­ger bag over his head, plac­ing it on the floor. He wore a blue and yel­low rug­by shirt with a green paint stain on one of the yel­low stripes. His curls were stick­ing out adorably in all di­rec­tions.

Adorably. I want­ed to flog my­self. Thomas was dead. I was not sup­posed to be notic­ing that oth­er guys were adorable.

Un­der the ta­ble, Josh fum­bled with his bag. He slapped his hand to his mouth, then took a chug of his choco­late milk to help him swal­low.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Vi­ta­mins,” Josh said. “One a day keeps the doc­tor away.”

“You are a par­ent's wet dream,” I told him.

“Tell that to my par­ents,” he said.

I smiled. It was nice that he could make me smile even in my cur­rent state of se­mi-?con­scious­ness.

Josh low­ered his body to­ward the ta­ble a bit, in con­fab mode. I leaned in as well. “So, I've thought about it, and I've de­cid­ed to go to the cops like Noelle said,” he whis­pered.

He bit in­to a pow­dered dough­nut and sug­ar sprayed ev­ery­where. I looked at him and won­dered if I was dream­ing. Did he re­al­ly just tell me that he was go­ing to rat out Thomas, and then take a big old


bite of dough­nut? I couldn't even swal­low one spoon­ful of ce­re­al this morn­ing and he seemed, well, fine. In fact, for the past few days, Josh had been keep­ing it to­geth­er bet­ter than any­one else I knew, which made lit­tle to no sense. Thomas was his room­mate. His friend. And I hadn't even seen him cry once. But what did I know? Maybe he went back to his room and blub­bered in pri­vate all night long. It wouldn't be the first time some­one around Eas­ton kept a se­


'You re­al­ly think that's nec­es­sary?" I asked.

“Noelle was right,” Josh said, chew­ing. “That guy she was talk­ing about? Rick? He was Thomas's lo­cal sup­pli­er and he's a to­tal wack­job. I would bet mon­ey he had some­thing to do with this.”

I took a deep breath, straight­ened my back for a sec­ond, then slumped again. “I don't know, Josh. Do we re­al­ly want Thomas's par­ents to know all this stuff? I know he was in­to some scary crap, but he was try­ing to change. Did he tell you he was on his way to re­hab the night he left?”

Josh blurt­ed out a laugh and took a sip of milk, smil­ing in mirth. I sud­den­ly felt very hot all over.

“What?” I said.

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult