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I had been se­duced. It was of­fi­cial. There was no turn­ing back


now. I fi­nal­ly looked up and met Noelle's dark eyes from across the room.

“No more se­crets?” I said.


I took a deep breath and looked at Ar­iana. She gazed back with that enig­mat­ic smile. Part of me was still an­gry. And I knew that part of me al­ways would be. But I had cho­sen this. When I had first been wel­comed in­to Billings, I had known what these girls were ca­pa­ble of, at least to some ex­tent, and I had still cho­sen them be­cause I knew what they could do for me. I knew the kind of fu­ture I could have with them. And in the here and now, they made me feel spe­cial. Im­por­tant. Like I had true friends. In the end, that was what this whole game had been about. They might have had a sick way of go­ing about it, but they'd just want­ed to make sure that I was a true friend.

It was all about loy­al­ty, just as Whit­tak­er had said. Loy­al­ty was paramount.

Les­son of­fi­cial­ly learned.

“So, are we okay?” Ar­iana asked fi­nal­ly.

'Yeah. Can we get back to the par­ty al­ready?“ Noelle added, push­ing her­self up. ”I'm very over this con­ver­sa­tion."

'Yeah,“ I said, and al­most couldn't be­lieve I'd said it. ”We're okay."

I was ex­haust­ed, crash­ing from my adrenaline rush, but some­how I man­aged to lift my­self up off the bench. Tay­lor gave me a quick hug and slipped out ahead of us. Ki­ran kissed both my


cheeks and winked, then fol­lowed. Ar­iana sim­ply lift­ed the cur­tain and ducked out. I was about to go af­ter her, when I re­al­ized that the most im­por­tant ques­tion of the night had yet to be an­swered. I stopped and turned to face Noelle.

“So, those files I found on Ar­iana's com­put­er--the crib sheets and the IMs,” I said. “Those were plant­ed too?”

Noelle smiled slow­ly. “Ev­ery­thing for a rea­son, re­mem­ber, Reed? Ev­ery­thing for a rea­son.”


* * *

Hours lat­er we emerged on­to Park Av­enue to­geth­er, hold­ing hands, laugh­ing, try­ing to hold Ki­ran up as she fum­bled and stum­bled. The en­tire night had been a blur of drinks and danc­ing, of sto­ries and sight­ings. I had avoid­ed the al­coves for the rest of the night, stick­ing to the safe­ty of the ball­room with the rest of the girls. Noelle and Dash had dis­ap­peared for an hour and came back look­ing di­sheveled and grog­gy and sat­is­fied. Ki­ran had made off with a group of peo­ple from Kent and had re­turned to us in a dif­fer­ent gown, which cracked ev­ery­one up. A per­son­al joke I didn't quite get, but that I didn't ask about. I had a feel­ing that I didn't want to know.

Thanks to the white-?gift tra­di­tion, Ki­ran had on a white fur stole over that new gown, Tay­lor was tot­ing a gor­geous Chanel bag, Ar­iana had a pair of Dior shoes dan­gling from her fin­gers, and Noelle was wear­ing a crys­tal tiara that I knew would join the pile of junk un­der her bed the mo­ment we got home. I had trad­ed a se­ri­ous­ly ug­ly de­sign­er belt with a girl from Bar­ton to get the beau­ti­ful Tiffany white-?gold-?and-?sap­phire ring I now wore


around the ring fin­ger of my right hand. Oth­er than Whit­tak­er's di­amonds, this was my first re­al jew­el­ry ev­er. I couldn't help hold­ing up my hand to ad­mire it ev­ery five sec­onds.

I was do­ing just that when a beefy hand slipped in­to mine and the court­yard gate locked be­hind us. I looked up, star­tled and slight­ly tip­sy, to find Whit­tak­er hov­er­ing over me.

“Whit!” I said with a smile. “Where have you been?”

“That's ex­act­ly what I was go­ing to ask you,” he said a bit petu­lant­ly. “I bare­ly saw you all night.”

Be­hind me, Noelle, Ar­iana, and Tay­lor gig­gled, snort­ing their laugh­ter through their noses.

“I know. I'm sor­ry,” I said, lay­ing a hand on his chest. “I was cel­ebrat­ing with my girls.”

“Cel­ebrat­ing what?” he asked.

Noelle came up and threw her arm around Whit­tak­er's large shoul­ders. “Girl stuff, ba­by. Girl. Stuff,” she said, slap­ping his face on the last two words.

That sent her in­to drunk­en hys­ter­ics and I had to laugh along. Maybe I was a bit tip­si­er than I re­al­ized.

Tags: Kate Brian Private Young Adult