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“. . . from the school bookstore,” Tahira finished finally.

Ariana released her breath. She looked at Tahira, her face burning. Tahira grinned back. She’d done her damage and she knew it. It was all Ariana could do to keep from slapping the little twit across the face. Meanwhile, both Landon and Jasper reached for their bottles.

Breathe, Ariana. Just breathe.

In, one . . . two . . . three . . .

Out, one . . . two . . . three . . .

In, one . . . two . . . three . . .

Out, one . . . two . . . three . . .

“Theft, huh?” Conrad said, eyeing Landon and Jasper from above. “Care to explain?”

“I forgot my wallet and I was out of gel,” Landon said matter-of-factly.

The guys jeered and hooted and hollered. Landon simply shrugged. “Dude’s gotta do what a dude’s gotta do.”

Conrad looked at Jasper. “And you?”

“It was a freshman dare,” Jasper replied. “My friends said I couldn’t walk out of there with a pencil. I took a laptop.”

Silence reigned. For a moment Ariana was concerned for Jasper’s future with Stone and Grave, but Conrad actually looked impressed.

“All right then,” he said. Then he turned to Kaitlynn, his soft black robe swishing. Ariana could have reached out and touched that cozy-looking velvet. She yearned to tear the burlap sack from her sweaty, raw skin and slip one of those luxurious robes on instead.

One day, she told herself. One day soon.

“Next?” Conrad said.

Kaitlynn smirked as her gaze flicked to Ariana. A hot flush raced over Ariana’s already warm body. She tried to breathe normally, but she was starting to hyperventilate. Now what?

“I’ve never killed anyone,” Kaitlynn said, her voice loud and clear.

The membership laughed and scoffed and whispered as Ariana’s insides plummeted to her toes. First of all, Kaitlynn was lying. She had murdered Briana Leigh’s father in cold blood. Second, did she really think Ariana was going to take a drink? No. No way. She just wanted to get a rise out of her. This was payback for what she’d said during the interrogation the night Allison had gotten kicked out. Then Ariana saw something move to her right. Jasper was reaching for his bottle. Suddenly, everyone froze. The Tombs were silent. Jasper took a long drink from the bottle. Then, ever so innocently, he looked around at the membership.

“Lucy. She was my dog,” he said. “I had her put to sleep when the cancer spread to her lungs.”

Relieved laughter filled the room. Ariana rolled her eyes and smiled. For a second there she really thought there was another murderer in their midst. Jasper placed his bottle down on the concrete with a ping and everyone looked at Landon expectantly. What exactly could superstar Landon Jacobs claim to have never done?

“I’ve never not completed my task for Stone and Grave,” he said with a Cheshire smile.

Never not, Ariana thought. That means he’s already done it. And I should drink because I haven’t. She reached for her bottle, but paused when she realized no one else had made a move. Suddenly, all eyes were on her and her hovering hand. Ariana’s heart pounded wildly. Was she really the only tap who hadn’t completed her task? But they’d just been given their envelopes on Saturday, and they still had a week and a half to get them done. This was not good. The last thing she wanted was for the membership to know she was the only one whose task wasn’t completed. They were going to think she wasn’t dedicated to earning her membership.

But it was already too late. They’d all seen her reaching for her bottle. The only thing to do now was bite the bullet.

Ariana grabbed her bottle and took a drink. She saw several of the members exchange interested and impatient glances, and she dared not look at Lexa. She braced herself for the inevitable question from Conrad.

“I’ve never been on a roller coaster,” Jasper said suddenly, cutting the tension.


“What? Seriously? That’s sick!” Landon said, grabbing his bottle.

“God did not intend us to hang upside down at ninety miles an hour. If he had, he would have given all of us wings,” Jasper said.

The membership started to tease and needle Jasper while Tahira, Ariana, and Kaitlynn all drank. Just like that, the tense moment with Ariana in the spotlight had passed. As Ariana lowered her bottle she glanced at Jasper in thanks. He smiled back. He’d distracted the members on purpose, just to save her. She wouldn’t have been surprised if his admission were a lie. A lie told just to help her out.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery