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To tell her that now he was willing to take the risk.

From across the room, Jenna made a beeline toward him. "You look like hell. Have you caught something?"

"I think so. I'm going to head home."

She pressed her palm to his forehead. "You're not warm, but that's probably a good idea. I hope it wasn't something you ate. I'd hate to think we're going to have an outbreak of food poisoning after this event."

"I haven't eaten a bite."

She looked so relieved he had to laugh. After a moment, she joined in. "Sorry," she said. "Just ... you know."

"Yeah. I do. I'm looking for Elena," he said after a moment had passed.

"Trouble in paradise?"

He cocked his head. "You knew?"

"Duh. And all I'm going to say now is that you two are perfect together. Take it under advisement."

"Thanks for the tip."

"And if you're looking for her, your best bet is Tyree."

Since that made sense, he left her by a cake ball table and went in search of Tyree. He found him near the bar, a glass of scotch in one hand.

"I had a long talk with my daughter recently," Tyree said without preamble. "And she says you make her happy. Since I've seen the way you two look at each other, I believe it. So why isn't she on your arm right now?"

He started to say that Elena wasn't with him because he'd been an idiot, but before he could, Tyree continued.

"I'll tell you why. Because you're living with the shadow of Olivia. But that woman was a terrible wife and a horrible mother. Maybe she was a bad person. I don't know. I never knew her that well. But I know she was weak. And don't you dare judge Elena next to her. Give the girl some credit. You think she's just going to abandon her dreams? No. But you're part of those dreams now. So she'll figure out a way to work all of her plans together. Better yet, you two can work it out together."

"I'm older than she is." Brent said, his mood improving now that he knew Tyree had come around and now supported his plan to claim Elena.

"You don't say."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"Turns out I'm not a key variable in this equation. The relevant question is, does it bother you?"


"There you go. She's always gonna be my little girl. But I know you, Brent. I know you better than most anybody except Reece and Jenna. And I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law. Or am I presuming?"

Brent didn't even miss a beat. "No, sir," he said.

"Then I think you have somewhere to be right now."

"I would, if I knew where she was."

"She went home," Tyree told him. "You go see her tonight. Tomorrow, we'll talk about this eminent domain bullshit."

"Good. Because Landon and I've been--"

"Sir?" A lanky man in a Winston Hotel uniform held out an envelope. "You're Tyree Johnson?"


"This arrived for you by messenger."

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance