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She thought of Hannah and her parents and the tension between them now because of Matthew. She didn't want that with Tyree, not when they'd just discovered each other.

But she didn't want to ignore whatever this thing was between her and Brent, either.

At the moment, it really didn't matter, as the only interesting stuff with Brent was happening inside her head. But what if someday those tight wires keeping them apart snapped, and she found herself in his arms? Tyree was right, after all. She'd be gone in a few years. And Brent would never do anything that might hurt Faith.

Which meant that they were over before they'd begun, and all she had to cling to were fantasies.

Six years.

How the hell had six years already flown by?

Brent sat on the stone bench under the pecan tree and watched as the princesses and pirates chased each other around the backyard, their squeals p

robably carrying all the way back to The Fix downtown.

"I think the theme was a hit," Elena said, stepping up beside him. "Good job."

He laughed. "You're the one who suggested it--and thank you for that--all I did was get online and order everything princess and pirate related that would get here in time. Fortunately, that was a lot."

The pink and black covered card tables were awash in paraphernalia. Plastic scepters and cutlasses. Tiaras and eye patches. Even dresses for the princesses and hats for the pirates.

"And all the kids are having a blast. Especially Faith. And that's what matters."

"Yes, it is," he agreed. Faith, with a combination of Birthday Girl resolve and strong will, had decided that she was a Pirate Princess. She wore a pink dress, carried a cutlass, and had a tiara lodged onto the black pirate hat.

He tilted his head up to look at Elena, then slid over to make room on the bench. She sat, but he hadn't calculated just how small the bench was for two adults. Usually he shared this space with Faith.

The air between them seemed thick with possibilities, and he forced each and every one from his mind. "I was just thinking that it's been six years. Time flies."

"It definitely does."

"You'll be out of grad school in no time."

She laughed. "True. But considering I just got started, don't get rid of me so soon."

He'd been thinking the opposite, already regretting the moment she would inevitably leave. But before he could tell her that, Rayleen approached.

"Such a lovely party," she said. "I'm sorry I need to take Kyla away early. It's her dad's weekend."

"Of course," he said, his heart twisting at the thought of only having Faith part of the time. "Faith," he called, but she was too busy running her kingdom to hear.

"I'll go get her," Elena said. "I'll send her over to you and Kyla," she added to Rayleen before diving into the throng.

As Rayleen headed back toward the gate, Brent watched Elena navigate the horde of kids, and he had to admit she did a great job. She was a natural with them, and Faith adored her. She'd also made the cake and conceived the theme. Basically, she'd slid into the role of hostess without him even realizing.

He waited for a wave of irritation to hit him. A reaction to the simple fact that she'd infiltrated herself into their family routine. But the irritation didn't come. The truth was, he appreciated the help.

He told himself it was no different than when Jenna helped. That, of course, was a lie for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was that he didn't want to sleep with Jenna. And he did want that with Elena. More and more each day, actually, despite his best efforts to shut his libido down.

Now he stood, planning to go inside for some of the beer and barbecue that Elena had suggested he provide for the adults. He didn't make it that far, though, as Reece sidled up beside him, then handed him a Sam Adams lager. "I was just coming to get one of these."

"Guess I read your mind. What are friends for?"

They clinked the bottles, then both took long draws. Brent noticed that Reece looked in Elena's direction, but he said nothing about her. Instead, he nodded toward Landon and Taylor.

"They make a good couple," Reece said.

"They do," Brent agreed, but there was a wariness in his tone. He knew the parallels to him and Elena as well as Reece did. An interracial romance. A younger woman.

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance